Cartina Finale(part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Im all for that but you dont think you should I have told me all this."

"When between running this place and hovering Rimah?" He asked in a slick tone as he was about to walk off and I blocked him from leaving and exhaled, "things been hectic lately but we sleep in the same bed you could have found a time to tell me all of this. I could have made a few calls. My Uncle Julio is in Jersey now. His Dad passed last month! He took over his estate and all his legit businesses. He is a lawyer" thats right Mister Bass was finally in the ground. Cancer took him out, but Uncle Julio says someone was on the cameras(unidentifiable) going into the room and leaving within 3 minutes. When Julio got inside a pillow was over his head. But he put out that he just passed because MISTER BASS was a man of many things and the streets would have tarnished the name BASS if he suicide was a possibly and with Julio wanting to be legit he deleted the camera footage not wanting to send Mister Bass loyal men into a war.

"Ill handle this myself. I dont need your family's help. This is my sister and I am going to handle it Darius." He told me rushing off and as I called his name my phone started buzzing. I pulled it out and saw a message from Pops. He read it and mumbled, "What the fuck is going on?"


"What the fuck is going on?" Olly said as he heard the message as he heard a loud clatter in the living room. He rushed around the island counter and into the space and saw Autumn sitting over the large vase she had knocked over.

"You know you have been a menace since you started walking. Get your butt over here!" I snapped as she waddled over to me and I picked her up. I took a whiff and she smelled of pee and shit. I exhaled, "Oh My God!" I rushed to the stairs and yelled, "BENNYYYYY!" I heard his room door open and he walked to the top of the stairs and took of his PLAYSTATION 1000 series headpiece and spoke, "GINA turn on stair light." The LED lights brightened the starwell and I told him, "I need your help. Autumn has broken the vase in half all over my Persian Rug. I need you to clean that up or clean her up."

"Are the twins good?" He asked.

"Yup. They are down til 6 most likely when your father gets home. Just get the glass up. Ill clean her up." I told him as he put the mic to his mouth and told his friends he will be back. He is amazing. I love my son. He came down and I went upstairs into Autumn's room. I laid her down as the GINA intercom went off from inside the room.

"Sir Olly?" She spoke.

"This is him. Whats up GINA?" I asked.

"Your iPhone has a message from Pops. Read or Ignore?" She asked.

"Read it for me. This room only." I told her as I started changing Autumn. She spoke again, "Privacy to Princess Autumn's room. Message from Pops" she went to reading the message and I snapped, "Friday? What the fuck is going on?"

"GINA reply: IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" I spoke as she told me in a few seconds, "Sent." I done changed Autumn and her clothes and still no reply. I called him and Dad and no answer. I then said, "GINA call baby girl of the group."

After 3 rings Rimah answered and I stated, "Did you get a message from Pops? Whats going on?"

"I dont know but I know for sure I will be there. I was hoping I catch a flight with you and Frankie. Just in case something happens like a bitch go in labor. I already spoke to Quincy he has no problem watching your children. Olly Im scared."

"Rimah don't panic alright. Tell Quincy to call me. He needs to know the twins eating schedule. What the hell is going on?" I spoke as I hung up and exhaled as I heard Frankie car pulling in. I looked out the window and exhaled, "Daddyyyy!" I ran downstairs and met him at the door. He kissed my lips and exhaled, "Hey Worm. Whats up? How was your day?"

"Other than your demons running me crazy its been fine until I just got this weird message from Pops. He wants me there Friday. Are you able to take off from the Mayor House?"

"I have sick days? Will the kids be goin-."

"NO! if its something horrible I don't want them there before we can talk to them. Ill go book the flights" I told him as he pulled me again and exhaled, "My bid went thru."

"To be Mayor of New York?!" I asked in shock as if I didnt know he was doing this.

"No. Better than that. To be the V.P for the Mayor when he runs for President Next Year. He wants me to enter the V.P wars. He wants me as his right hand." He confessed as my jawdropped and I said, "Oh my God!! Something told me put the MangerWine Cabernet in the freezer. This is a special night! Wait so like we would live in the white house?"


"If I saw swim that means swim not lay in the fucking water. Tanner just let me know if you want on this team or not! I am not here to babysit your ass at all! We need championships medals this year." I argued as I held a team meeting in the locker room before releasing them. They all exited as I headed to my office. I went inside and grabbed my phone. I sat down and saw a message from my Pops from 2 hours ago. Just as I was about to open it I heard my office door opening.

"Tanner I dont care if you tell your mother" I started as I looked over and saw a familiar face but it wasnt Tanner. I stood up and walked over to him smiling.

"Antwonn what are you doing here?" I asked him as he laughed and stated, "Life has been shit. I got back after our run-in after the wedding and broke it off with Ronny on the way back. I get to my parents house and a ghost from the dead is there"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Zavian. Turns out I wasnt being sick or imaging him in my head the day at the gravesite. Anyways, he goes to replaying the last 7 years of his life and my entire life flipped. The man I loved was never dead. He was taken hostage by the bastard we all know as Mister protect us he worked for him up in Canada." Antwonn explained as my jawdropped and I quickly hugged him and replied, "Thats Mister Bass you. Luckily his bitch ass is dead now."

"Oh I knew before it was news." Antwonn vaguely said as I tossed my hands up and exhaled, "tell me nothing. I want to know why you are back in New York?"

"Welp, Zavian had a secret in Canada that got in the way and to be honest we couldnt go back and erase the last seven years. With grieving him my being in love with him died along with it. Ill always love him trust me and Ill be there for him at the drop of a dime bit I know what I want and so I hopped on the road and drove for daysss and ended up here." Antwonn confessed as O.J stared down at him and smiled, "So are you kind of saying you want to be with a nigga"

Antwonn rolled his eyes and laughed, "Not that at all. Im here to tell you I am moving here and I want to ask you would you like to do dinner soon once I am settled in." They smiled at one another as O.J pulled him close and dropped his head as they started kissing and Antwonn rubbed his chest and stated, "I cant believe you are here."

"Well believe it and I sort of need the REAL New York tour. So hit me up. Im in Manhattan."

"Shocker." I said sarcastically as Antwonn smiled and left the office. My phone started ringing as I rushed over and picked it up. I saw Teddy calling. I sat down and propped my phone against my computer screen. I answered the FaceTime call and stated, "Hey Teddy bear!"

"Dad stop don't call me that! I am in class. I am calling to ask about the message Grandpa it serious? Is everyone going?" He questioned me as I was mad confused. However, let me catch you up on Teddy. He graduated and was not going to go off for college...until he got arrested for selling and supposedly had some Atlanta thug smuggling drugs thru CartinaAirline. His ass was skinned for days when Pops got here. I let that ass healed and killed him again. All summer he was doing community service for the Police Department and his mentor sort of tricked him into applying for school in Miami. And now he attends University of Miami studying Law. He lucked up being the Airline didn't want to pursue charges and we sort of swindled the judges with the Atlanta Thug groomed him to do that.

"Umm I been at practice with the team the last 3 hours. I did have a message. Hold up"

"Yeah because if everyone going I need to send my professors an email today. Friday is right there!" Teddy explained as I read it and exhaled, "Something is going on. Let me hit up Olly. Send that email just incase."

To be Continued.

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