The Lost Princess 4 Found At Last

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Sam knocked on the door of the dutchess house "Monica Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff!"

Monica gasped "Samimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich! Well, this is unexpected. But look at me. Where are my manners? Come in! Come in, everyone." She led you in "I am palpitating with amazement and shock and surprise. All three."

You, Bucky, and Sam sat in a nicely furnished living room, "May I present Her Imperial Highness, the Grand Duchess Y/n Deianira." Sam introduced you.

"Oh, my heavens! She certainly does look like Y/n. But so did many of the others." the woman circled you, "Where were you born?"

"At the Desdemona Palace," you replied.

"Correct. And how does Y/n likes her tea?" Monica asked.

You shook your head "I don't like tea. Just hot water and lemon."

"Good." She nodded.

After answering an hour-long of questions she got to the last one "Finally, you'll most

likely find this an impertinent question, but indulge me. How did you escape during the siege of the palace?"

Bucky let out a sigh he didn't tell you this question, which was the most important you

thought about it for a minute, "There was a boy... A boy who worked in the palace. He opened a wall. I'm sorry. That's crazy. Walls opening." you scoffed at the end.

Bucky realized you were the real princess, Y/n, "So, is she a Godfrey?" Sam asked.

"Well, she answered every question." Monica smiled, Bucky left the room without anyone noticing.

Sam stood up and ran to hug you "You hear that, child? You did it! So, when do we go and see the Empress?"

"I'm afraid you don't." Monica frowned.

"Come again, Monica my love." Sam turned to her.

"The Empress simply won't allow it."

"Now, Monica, my bright diamond," Sam took the tray she was caring away from her "Surely you can think of some way to arrange a brief interview with the Dowager? I

refuse to budge until an answer occurs to you. Please."

"Do you like the Aislingn Ballet? I believe they're performing in Paris tonight. The Dowager Empress and I love the Aislingn Ballet. We never miss it." She winked at Sam.

"We... did it! We're going to see the Imperial Highness tonight. We're going to get the 10 million roubles. We're going to be..." Sam ran outside and hugged Bucky.

"But. Sam, Sam. Sam, she is the princess." His voice was much quieter than his friends.

"Y/n/n was extraordinary! I almost believed her. And Monica..." Sam was still shocked.

"Monica wants to take us shopping for the ballet. Shopping in Paris. Can you believe it?" you asked running outside.


You walked out of Chanel in a light pink that you had just bought you hooked your arm threw Buckys Monica Bought you a purple flower, " Welcome, my friends, to Paree   Here, have a flower on me   Forget where you're from   You're in Franc." she led you down the street, she showed you all around the city of 'love' she took you to a dinner that had a cancan dance groop performing that night, Monica kicked her shoe off on acceded trying to mess around, Sam ran up and got the shoe, but got stuck in the middle of th cancan routine when he came back the shoe, a slow song started, a man helped you out of your chair, and started to dance with you.

The Lost Princess (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now