The lost Princess 1 Going To Parise

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Ten Years Later

Bucky grabbed the new newspaper of the day and read threw it 'I hear you, comrades, The revolution hears you Together we will forge a new Aisling And we'll be the envy of all the World The King's Chrysos Is now the people's Idunn' Bucky Scoffed reading this "They can call it IdunnBut it will always be Chrysos New name, same empty stomachs! Hail our brave new land, Sam, Have you read this." he called over to his friend.

"Doesn't change anything." The other man said.

"Now two dozen strangers live in two small rooms, now thanks to them, those pigs!" Bucky yelled.

"Bucky, they've closed another border, We should've gotten out of Asling while we still could!" Sam told him changing the subject, "It used to be so lovely when the roles were here, I used to be a count."

"Sam I've been thinking about Princess Y/n," Bucky smirked, at his plan about getting a girl that would look/be the missing princess.

"I thought you were gonna be over this week ago," Sam complained.

"It's the rumor she could help us fly, get out of here, Princess Y/n we will go down in history as heroes." Bucky reason both of them started to walk "We'll find a girl to play the part, and teach her what to say dress her up and take her to Paree imagine the reward her grandmother would pay who else could pull it off but you and me? You got the theater right?"

"Yes I did," Sam sighed.

"Everything's going according to plan,  just think, Sam, no more forging papers, no more stolen goods."

People tried to sell them stuff but they already had enough to 'prove' the girl they chose was princess Y/n, they walked passed the people ignoring what they had "A rouble for this painting, I swear It's Godfrey." offered one of the sellers, they put it down.

"We'll have 3 tickets out of here: One for you, one for me, and one for Y/n! We'll be rich!" Bucky cheered.

"We'll be out, And Chrysos will have some more to talk about." Sam and Bucky walked through the main streets, people all around them talking, about the princess and the money plus the name change of their city, Bucky and Sam got on the trolly to the theater.

"What we will do will be known as the biggest con in history," Bucky told his friend.


You and Madam Cunningham walked out of the Ophanige you knew as a home for the past ten years, "I got you a job in the fish factory. You go straight down this path till you get to the fork in the road. Go left." she explained.

"Bye!" you say to the other children.

"Are you listening?" She turned to glare at you

"Bye, everybody!," you turn to the older woman "I'm listening, Madam Cunningham." you rolled your eyes.

She grabbed your scarf practically choking you "You've been a thorn in my side since you were brought here. Acting like the Queen of Shebainstead of the nameless no-account you are."

"Bye!" you waived to the kids again.

"For the last 10 years, I've fed you, I've clothed you, I've... I've kept a roof over. Kept a roof over-" you mimic she opened the gate.

"my head." you sigh.

She gasped "How is it you don't have a clue who you were before you came to us, but you can remember all that?"

You looked at her "I do have a clue to..."

"Ach! I know. 'Together in Paris'! So, you want to go to France to find your family? HA! Little Miss Y/n/n, it's time to take your place in life. In life and in line. And be grateful too." she shut the gate and called walking back into the orphaning.

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