don't forget about me - diana

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you were currently reading pride and prejudice in diana's room. you both were best friends since you were little. your fathers both worked together. diana was a very distinguished young girl, unlike you. you didn't care what your parents expectations for you were. they wanted you to be a house wife and care for your kids when you are older. but, you wanted to go exploring all around the world until you got tired of it, which you probably won't. long story short, you and diana have your differences but, you both understand eachother.

"oh my gosh! mr. darcy just told lizzie that he loved her! don't you wish you were her?", diana said. "really?! that's cute. but, to be honest i don't want a man to go on his knees and beg for my loving like he did. and maybe subtract all of the cringe. i want to focus on me and do things that make me happy. then, if someone gradually comes into my life, then that would be okay, i suppose.", you implied.

"wow, y/n. so deep.", diana joked. "oh shush!", you said with a childish smile on your face. you continued to read the book. after a few minutes of silence, you decided to start a conversation. "diana please don't forget me when you are married to a rich man.", you said sadly. "y/n! why would i ever forget you! i don't think anyone could forget you!", she said in a "duh" voice. "i don't know if that is supposed to be a compliment.", you said confused.

"of course it is! you are such a kindred spirit! you are so determined to go travel out in the world in the future. while i just let my parents torment me on going to finishing school. you are also one of the smartest people i know. you're love for reading is so beautiful! how could one not fall in love with you.", she said happily.

you were seriously about to breakdown right in front of her. it's not like that hasn't happened before. one time, you threw a tantrum when your older brother called you rude names. but, don't worry it was a long time ago.

you looked her straight in the eyes. the real question was: how was she not married already? i know it sounds silly. especially at this age. but, diana was the definition of perfection. and you meant that.

"this is why i love you diana.", you said quietly.
she smiled and forced you into a big hug. you two stayed like that for what felt like forever.
hello friends! thanks for reading! also, sorry for not posting in awhile. i am on winter break and wanted to spend some time with my family. and, no hate to pride and prejudice, i love the movie and the book. anyways, have a great day!  remember to drink water and eat something today! OH AND PLEASE WEAR A MASK WHEN YOU GO OUT AND SOCIAL DISTANCE! let's hope 2021 isn't as bad! 🤞 here's your daily hug: 🫂! adíos!

word count: 517 words

anne with an e one shots :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang