I smoothed my skirt as Susan pushed open the door fully, beaming like a proud mother as I walked out into the hall. Edmund and Peter stood just outside my room, very regal looking until their eyes found me. Both of them lost all of their composure as they took in the sight. Edmund's eyes widened significantly, I'm surprised that his mouth didn't drop open. Peter was more controlled, but I caught his raised eyebrows and amazed expression. They both wore formal tunics, much nicer than the festival ones and I must say, the both looked devilishly handsome. I blushed slightly and curtsied low in front of the boys as the bowed. Rising, I realized both had offered their arms, glancing in between each other and me. I giggled slightly and said, "Susan, darling, will you do me the honor?" She agreed with a bright smile and I winked at the boys, "Try to keep up." Lucy was now giggling uncontrollably as Susan and I walked arm and arm towards the ballroom. She whispered excitedly to me as her brothers tagged behind. 

We stood in front of the large golden doors as a faun rushed about, adjusting our clothes and pulling us into a straight line. Unfortunately, Susan and I were separated, apparently we had to be presented with one of the kings to appease the royal image or something like that. The faun positioned me in front before rushing off to grab Peter or Edmund. I heard the clamor of our subjects through the large doors, jittery as they waited for royalty to make an appearance. I was smoothing out the front of my dress once more when a familiar voice whispered lightly in my ear. "You look lovely." Peter smiled as my eyes flicked from his face to his arm, which hovered regally waiting for me to take it. "So you're the lucky winner huh?" I joked, facing the front again. He chuckled, glancing at his brother who stood behind us, arm in arm with Susan. "You could say that." I turned my head and winked at Edmund, "Don't worry darling, I'll save you a dance." His cheeks colored at the nickname and before he could respond, the doors were pulled open, the light pouring out and nearly blinding us. All of Narnia held their breath as a slow music began, leading the line of royalty into the glistening ballroom. I could hear multiple gasps as Peter and I strode in, some pointed and began to mumble excitedly to their neighbors. We stopped at the middle of the dance floor as Susan and Edmund entered. Although he was smiling, I knew Edmund was upset that he was escorting his older sister instead of me. I tried not to laugh and simply smiled at him as he took his place next to us. Lucy was last, practically skipping in with a few young fauns that threw flower petals in her wake. The crowed emitted a series of awes at the young queen, smiling brightly at the scene displayed out in front of her. After she took her place off to the side with Mr. Tumnus, Edmund, Peter, Susan and I positioned ourselves for the first dance.

A flowing, elegant waltz began to play as Peter slipped is hand around my waist, making me gasp slightly as we began to sway back and forth. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look away from his eyes. We were both completely and utterly lost in each other's gaze as we moved about the dance floor as one. Stepping elegantly on the marble floor with smooth movements that captivated our audience. My dress glittered and sparkled like a million diamonds under the warm light of the crystal chandeliers. It spun beautifully whenever I twirled and moved just as marvelous with every step. Although the skirt was rather large, it didn't seem to get in the way of our dancing. Peter moved with precision and grace at the same Tim as we quite literally danced circles around Susan and Edmund. We began to make a larger circle on the floor, causing the Narnians that had inched closer to us to back up excitedly with gasps. I laughed as we picked up the pace, twirling and traveling across the floor with ease. We were rather close, I prayed that I wasn't blushing at the touch of his hands. We seemed to fit perfectly together, one of his hands in mine, the other around my waist, now of my hands in his and the other rested on his shoulder. The fabric of his tunic was smooth under my fingertips and I tried to use that fact as a distraction so my mind wouldn't wander. Under the glow of a thousand candles, Peter looked better than ever. Handsome, mature, and kind all mixed into one as I studied his face. His features were captivating as he smiled down at me, I couldn't help but return the gesture as we glided across the marble floor. When the music swelled, Peter lifted me up by the waist and spun me around in an effortless motion. I smiled down at him with my hands on his shoulders as the crowd applauded. He set me down and lowered me down into and elegant dip as the music began to come to a close. We took a step back from each other and Peter bowed while I curtsied deeply. Susan and Edmund somehow ended right next to us and the dark haired Pevensie sister caught my eye as she smiled at the sight of me with her brother. The crowd clapped enthusiastically as we all took another bow before leaving the dance floor, allowing our subjects to take a turn. Lucy looked as if she was about to explode with excitement. Her eyes flicking between me and her older brother as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

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