chapter two

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(before the attack)

As the frozen empire prepared for battle the empress looked out upon her soldiers.

The empress, mackenzie Alister was a stunning woman. She had blonde curly hair down to her waist, tied up in a pony tail, deep blue eyes, flawless skin and she was quite tall. She wore iron boots that went to her knees, an iron chest plate that stopped just below her chest, a pale blue hooded cloak that stopped at her chest plate, a white long sleeved shirt, an iron skirt and black leggings. This was the frozen empire uniform.

The first her eyes set was the strongest she had in her army, max goodwell (the white haired guy in the previous chapter). He had snow white hair, pale green eyes, pale skin, and he wore the uniform. His magic was called ice and flame. He had the power to create blue flames and blue ice out of nothing and control them however he pleases. He returned her gaze momentarily before turning back to the immortal ten year old before him.

This ten year old name was freya bloodborne. Although the queen was the only one who knew her true name so everyone just called her elf. This girl had bright teal hair that grew down to her waist tied back into a plat, pale skin, dark green eyes and a smile bright enough to be the sun. She wore the uniform. He had two magic types. The first was slight teleportation. She could teleport but only places she could see and most the time it looked like she was randomly popping up. The second was electricity. The power was powerful but she could barely use it as she could only control it enough to allow it to come out in huge bursts, causing her to pass out. So instead of using her powers she uses a bow and arrow.

Freya giggled and ran over to the strongest twins the army had, cutting her conversation with max short.

The first twin was valkiry hawthorne. She had light brown hair that grew to her knees, tied back into a braid, piercing golden eyes, almost tan skin that seemed to be hard as rock despite it's soft appearance and eagle like wings. She was also quite tall and wore the uniform. She didn't have magic. She was a valkiry. There was no need for it. Valkiry's were eagle like creatures of the sky, created for war. She too was an archer.

The second twin was hunter hawthorne. He had messy light brown hair, eyes just like her sisters and skin just like her sisters. He was an inch taller and he also had her wings. He was a valkiry like her and he too was an archer.

Then there was aaron. He had perfect blonde hair, charming blue eyes, perfect skin and he wore the uniform. His magic consisted of controlling water.

The empress moved her gaze once more, landing on the medic elf's.

The first mada green. She had bright green hair cut off at the shoulders into a bob doo, bright green eyes and a square figure. She too wore the uniform although she wore glasses as well and a red cross on the top of the hood to signify she was a medic. Her magic allowed her to make things levitate.

Then there was mina shining. She had pale blonde hair that reached her ankles tied back into pigtails, pale blue eyes, pale skin and slight freckles over her nose. She too wore the uniform as mada did minus the glasses. Her magic allowed her to create angelic shields and use angelic healing.

The attack was unexpected and quick. They weren't here for bodies, they were here for captives. And captives they got. Unfortunately it was only five but one was better than none at this point.

Madison's pov:

I slowly woke up in a cell. This cell had four of those on the goldengate army not including me. The cell was quite clearly old although it seemed to be made out of ice and stone. That was a pointer we were in the northern empire. Damnit. Well good thing I can go through hell portals and shit, ain't it?

"Portal ad patriam" I spoke as I stomped my foot on the ground, expecting a portal to open. But nothing happened.

"Yeah that's not gonna work" my sister spoke "there seems to be an enchantment on this place that blocks out magic. Might just be on the cells but either way we can't do anything"

And so I did the only reasonable thing a woman that hates being in captivity without powers could do. I started kicking the bars of the cell down. I ended up only spraining my ankle due to how hard I was kicking.

"Keep it down in there would ya?" A women walked into sight. She was a valkiry by the looks of it (hint hint nudge nudge: this is valkiry).

The Waves Of WarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora