Chapter 3: Humanity true nature

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After my escape from those 'Valkyrie', i woke up on the ground, and saw that the beast i summoned were surrounding me, so they could protect me

Y/N: *Mind* They stayed here and protect me until i woke up.....

I got on my feet, alerting them, as i could see the little one rushing to me

I patted their head, a smile on my face, before the woman who stopped Siegfried and Theresa walk to me and bow

Y/N: No need, you all did a great job back there, and for that i thank you all

Woman: Master, what is your order?

Y/N: *Mind* Wait they can talk?

Woman: Only i can talk, directly through your mind

Y/N: Why are you the only one?

Woman: I am born directly from your core, meaning i have one of the strongest bond with you

Y/N: I see.... My order now is we stay on the shadow for now. These 'Valkyries' are strong, especially this Cecilia woman....

Woman: Understood, we will retreat for now

Y/N: If anything goes bad, you can come whenever your want

She nodded, before every beast dissappeard, leaving me alone

Y/N: Can i hide my power? It will be more easier for me to hide if i don't have an Herrscher pressure everywhere i go

Fake Y/N: It is possible..... Jus think you take a deep breath, and hold it.....

I took a deep breath, and hold my breath as long as i could

Fake Y/N: When i said hold your breath, i was talking about your power.....

Y/N: Oh

I managed to hide all of my power, as i was now a normal kid, once again. But with Herrscher power inside of me, and an army of Beast ready to attack anyone who mess with me

Y/N: Alright..... City? Village?

Fake Y/N: You should go to a village first..... The city are commonly known for having a high number of powerful Valkyrie.....

Y/N: Okay, no city until i get my full power back..... How do i get my full power back?

Fake Y/N: That..... is for you to find.....

He vanished with a smug look, as my eyes twitched

Y/N: Is that so? Then, let's go back meet that Cecilia girl so she can take away my power

I was about to walk there, until my Fake self appear, with a frown

Fake Y/N: You need to have an emotion burst..... Happy.....?

Y/N: Yes

I walk inside a forest, in the middle of the night, alone

Y/N: I haven't eaten for days..... 

???: Is someone there?

Fake Y/N: Hide.....

I hide behind a tree, before i see some light from behind me

???: I swear i heard a voice.... I'm not going crazy, am i...?

Fake Y/N: Show yourself slowly.....

I started to walk out of my hiding, as the light was now on me

???: Who are you? Identify yourse- A kid?

Y/N: .....

Fake Y/N: She is a Valkyrie, a strong one..... don't fight her now.....

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