Chapter 2

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Sharpay is nervous.

She has never felt this jittery feeling before when she has walked into the theatre or when she has gone on stage and grabbed the spotlight.

She has been in seventeen school productions in her young life, yet she has never, ever felt nervous for an audition. Until now, that is.

Now, the problem isn't the actual audition. She knows the drama club by heart – she practically rules the theatre department. She knows she and Ryan are the only pair who signed up and therefore are practically confirmed to be getting the leads. She knows that she and Ryan are the only talented performers in the club anyways. She knows she has nothing to worry about if the other hopefuls are as dismal as they usually are.

But there lies the problem. She isn't so sure whether everyone will be as terrible as always. Sure, Alan will fumble over his words and Cyndra will never get the message that the club isn't interested in opera singers, but they aren't the only people interested in the musical this time around.

Gabriella Montez is interested in the musical now. And while Sharpay has tried to convince herself that Gabriella was speaking the truth when she just wanted to watch the auditions and nothing more, and that it isn't clear whether Gabriella can sing anyways, Sharpay is still wary.

She's so wary that she can see Ryan's patience wearing thin, his face contorting with more annoyance each time she furtively glances around to make sure that Gabriella isn't present.

Fortunately, Ryan doesn't speak up, though – he rarely speaks up to Sharpay beyond an occasional sarcastic remark –, but his annoyance doesn't sit well with her.

If she's panicking enough to visibly annoy her brother, her quiet and loyal best friend, it's bad.

And the knowledge that her panic is reaching dangerous levels isn't helping her calm down either.

"Are you okay?" Ryan finally whispers in her ear after a while, and it's not until then that Sharpay realizes she's hyperventilating.

This really is bad.

However, her panic quickly dissipates as Ms. Darbus enters the auditorium right at that exact moment.

Auditions are starting. Gabriella isn't here. The crisis is averted, Sharpay thinks with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Finally feeling the familiar excitement bubble in her stomach, Sharpay watches eagerly as Darbus disposes of her belongings, before walking to the stage with powerful strides.

It's the sound of another pair of footsteps entering the auditorium, just before Darbus starts her welcome speech, that makes Sharpay's breath hitch in her throat and her panic return, though.

Almost as if in slow motion, she turns around to see her worst nightmare come to life. Gabriella Montez is here.

She quickly reverts her gaze to the stage as Gabriella's doe-eyes scan the room, and she hopes that Gabriella won't get the idea that it's okay to come and socialize with her.

It's already too late, though, for she hears the footsteps approach as she continues to stare ahead starkly, and suddenly she feels a presence right next to her.

"Hi," Gabriella simply greets her, and both twins watch her with wide eyes, Sharpay incredulously and Ryan curiously.

There are so many empty seats in the auditorium. She could have sat anywhere. She probably would have been better off in the back if she truly didn't want to watch without intruding. Why is she sitting here? Why does she refuse to take Sharpay's hints that she's not interested in being her friend?

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