chapter 001

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august 2020. another normal day in your apartment while your sister out for working. in this weekend, your finally coming to an end from reading your book, laying down to your bed while sunlight seeping from your window. you're half-glad your sister's not here to play bass that's destroying your ears everyday. one peaceful day is enough for you. though you cant really blame jisu, you understand.

you cant imagine how your sister just started playing bass after moving last week.

you're one of the quiet ones tho. although you have friends, you only have a few ones. you like staying at home, listening to music, reading books and social media stuffs. but, even if you have this peaceful life, you still cant overcome what's in the past. this guilt haunts you everynight. the guilt of not being able to help someone close, the guilt of not being able to be strong.

well, thats why your older sister would baby you at certain times.

as the sun was setting, jisu came back. "hey there, whats up?" she asked and closed the door behind her, walking to her messy couch, putting down her guitar. while you on the other side of the couch, closed the book you're reading and returned the smile to her. "not much, im close to the ending." you heard a small chuckle from your sister. "good luck on that."

night came. you were on your apartment's kitchen preparing dinner for you and your sibling, while jisu preparing to play the bass again saying that she's really inspired. you don't mind. she began to play again, enjoying every note she hits, while you just, you know, being you. after a while now, the both of you heard someone knocking on the door. you accidentaly smirked as you were putting down your meals to the table.

"jeez. i shouldn't have played too much." your sibling groaned as she lowered her guitar, rolling her eyes from you. "coming. you must be pretty angry. im sorry, i sometimes get inspired at night so..." she was cut off. cut off by something strange.

"im hungry."


"open the door!" the woman from outside yelled, causing you to turn your attention to it, walking beside jisu. the both of you gazed at each other and back on the woman. "your face... did you hurt yourself?" jisu, concerned. but the woman's response was nothing but banging the door intensely, causing the both of you jump and took a step back. "ill be quiet!" your sister tried to reassure her.

another bang, causing jisu to jump another time. "i told you, im sorry. you're being a bit harsh!" but she was interrupted by an uneasy scream, and banged the door continuesly as prints being left behind. "open the door! im hungry!" unable to the anything, you and jisu fell down, terrified of what your eyes seeing from the camera.

jisu slowly stood up, holding a metal baseball bat in her hands. you got into your feet and hid behind her. the banging stopped, but she accidentally got jumpscared by a man from the door, which is not the thing you saw earlier. good thing you were able to catch your older sister.

the two of you got outside, explaining what just happened to the man in front. "some woman was banging the door, and she had blood all over her face. she seemed hurt but she was all angry and she was banging the door really hard..." her voice a bit shakey. you just remained quiet behind her while staring in fear from the blood trails, leading to a broken window at the end of the hallway.

the two also turned their heads to that direction. "you dont think she jumped, do you?" asked jisu. the man didn't answer. suddenly, he landed a fist to the door, causing you to flinch. "she wasn't just banging. she was ramming into the door." he said, looking at his injured fist. your breathing became more shakey in realization.

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