Telling the Team and Marriage Proposal

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They'd been together for 3 years and 8 months, and if you asked Spencer, he'd probably tell you how many days as well.

Today was one they wouldn't be able to forget. JJ was being forced to take a job at the Department of Defence. Both Spencer and Garcia had stayed behind at the BAU, spending a little more time with JJ, Spencer telling him that he'd catch a taxi home.

When Derek got home and let out Clooney, he sat down and let himself fall into memories.

He and Spencer had finally moved in together after they had gotten back from La Plata County. After finally seeing Spencer alive after those few days with Benjamin Cyrus, Derek had insisted he move in. They had already been spending more time at Derek's apartment, and Derek didn't want to take his eye off of Spencer. Then there was the case in Las Vegas that led Spencer to an unwanted reunion with his father after almost 20 years. When they had gotten home, they spent the weekend in bed together. Just being there.

The thing was, the team didn't know that they were together. Or if they did, being profilers and all, they were doing their best not to show it.

There was never the case of not wanting to tell the team. They knew, hopefully, that the team would support them. They never really talked about actually telling the team, both deciding that if had come up, they'd be honest.

No one has said a thing.

There was the case with The Reaper in Boston. Spencer and Derek had sat apart up on the jet home, and Spencer took the train, but the moment they were both in the house, they didn't let each other go. Spencer had been shaking when he finally got to wrap his arms around Derek after everything, and they couldn't help but be grateful to be together.

The anthrax scare was exactly that. A scare. It frightened them, both of them. The look that Spencer gave him through that glass door after he said "I'm sorry," was a look that Derek didn't have to have an eidetic memory to remember. He wanted to break down right then and there, say screw the case and stay with Spencer. Derek knew though that Spencer would want them to finish the case. And they did. The following weeks when Spencer was released from the hospital, the team had agreed that he should stay with someone and Derek offered first, no one objected.

After Canada, when Spencer was shot in the knee and The Reaper had gotten Hotch, they stuck closer together. When Derek was temporarily promoted to Unit Chief and his hours were extended, they got through it. Even recently, with Billy Flynn and Ellie, it just proved to Derek and Spencer how right it was for them
to be together.

"And we need to stay together," he mumbled.

"What was that?" The sound of Spencer's voice surprised him and he looked up to see the other man standing in the doorway to the living room.

As Derek stood, he could see Spencer's face was still slightly pink and his eyes were red rimmed. "Come here, Pretty Boy," Derek whispered as he wrapped his arms around Spencer. The younger man instantly responded as he wrapped his arms around Derek and shoved his face into his shoulder. They stood there holding each other, both knowing it was what the other needed.

"You going to be okay?" Derek whispered into his ear as he rubbed an arm up and down Spencer's back.

Spencer nodded into his shoulder. "Eventually," he mumbled.

Derek stepped away and grabbed one of Spencer's arms, gently pulling it and guiding him to the couch.

"So, there's something I want to talk to you about," he began as they both sat.

"What is it?" Spencer asked as he leaned against Derek.

"I've actually been thinking about this for a while, and I think now with JJ, this might be the time do it."

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