"Hi ma," Carmen muttered hugging her mother as she pulled her into the house to greet the family. "Hey, uhh, w-what's Kathleen doing back home?"

"Oh baby, she's here for the weekend. And she's brought a boy!" Their mother squealed, moving Carmen further into the living room.

Baby greeted her relatives and hugged her sister before seating herself at the table with an empty seat next to her as Danny was yet to arrive.

But it wasn't too long before the front door burst open again and Danny was rushing in with someone behind him.

"Sorry I'm late, uhh... aunt have you got enough for one more?" She replied with an open "yes" and Carmen expected to see Sandy walk through the door, instead a tall, dirty-blonde haired boy who she knew all too well came to sit next to her.

Danny pulled up an extra chair and squeezed in on the other side of his little cousin, making a remark on how well Kathleen looked and preparing to eat.

"Oh, Kenickie. Lovely to see you son, we haven't had you for dinner in years." Carmen's mother noted, walking out of the kitchen with another plate.

"Yeah thanks for having me." Kenickie replied smiling awkwardly and turning to Danny and Carmen who both shrugged lightly.

"Well, John. Say grace." Carmen's mother called to her husband as she took her seat.

After grace was said they all dug in to their meals content with the food, however Carmen was weary of the situation.

"Why are you here?" Carmen whispered within taking small bites of her food.

"Why are you here?" Kenickie whispered back, annoying the girl.

"Shut up, answer my question."

"Don't worry I'm not here to ask you to the dance." Kenickie whispered back in a slightly bitter tone. He was still somewhat mad at her for turning him down and she was somewhat still mad about him sleeping with Rizzo after their encounter.

"So Kathleen, how did you meet Michael?" Carmen's mother spoke loudly, unintentionally breaking Carmen and Kenickie's conversation.

"We met at the library in the college campus." Kathy replied smiling wildly looking back between her mother and her new boyfriend.

"Michael did you meet everybody?" Carmen's dad called making conversation with the seemingly nervous boy.

He replied with a no and then Carmen's father went around the table recalling everyone's names and how they related to Kathleen.

"And that's Danny, Kathy's cousin. Carmen, Kathleen's baby sister, and Kenickie, uhh- a family friend." Carmen despised being known as her Kathleen's baby sister but the nickname Baby never shook and everyone she knew, knew Kathleen first.

"I hear prom is next week, huh?" Kathy asked looking over at the three in their senior year. "You got dates yet?"

"Yeah." All three said fairly proudly in unison.

Carmen smiled and returned to stabbing the meat on her plate as Danny talked about Sandy adoringly before remembering his reputation and the fact Kenickie was watching.

"How about you Baby?"

"Oh me. Well umm..." She stalled thinking of something to say after Danny's love letter. "Uhh, he's uhh." They all began to stare and all words had left Carmen's head. "Um, his name is Tom." She finally said after swallowing.

"No way!" Kenickie and Danny both called, shocked by her final reply.

"Well that's nice Baby." Carmen's mother said and Kathleen replied with something of the same effect before someone changed the subject.

"What the hell are you thinking, Tom?" Kenickie said still in shock, as the rest of the table spoke louder.

"I don't know. At least he doesn't make unwanted advances." Carmen muttered back staring down at her plate.

"How much do you believe that, huh." Kenickie countered.

"Yeah well he's not you." She whispered back wanting to leave the table as soon as possible.

"Don't act like you haven't wanted to be with me since you were ten." Kenickie replied.

"Shut up." Carmen spat out before falling back into her chair with a huff.

" Carmen spat out before falling back into her chair with a huff

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