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The first day of school had rolled round again and Carmen had got up early to pick up the pink ladies.

Marty, Jan and Riz all sat in the of the new Studebaker Commander, which had quickly become the pink lady mascot. French had gotten a lift from her folks and was meeting them there.

After getting out of the car they stood around for a moment or two fixing there hair and clothes before walking together.

"Well, here we are again. Ok, girls. Let's go get them!" Rizzo called out leading the pink ladies toward the school.

It had become slightly awkward between Carmen and Riz but nothing too out of the ordinary as Carmen used to sit and watch Riz happily talk about Kenickie while she yearned for him. This time he wasn't on Rizzo's mind but Carmen knew and that was enough to cause her to stay silent.

The group got there timetables and separated, finding their lessons. Marty and Carmen went of to English together and found two seats near the back.

"Did you do the summer reading?" Marty asked leaning over to Carmen as their teacher arrived.

"Nah, off course not." She brushed off placing gum in her mouth and beginning to daydream.

"Miss Zuko! Miss Zuko!" The teacher yelled at the girl who was otherwise occupied. When she came round she smiled and waved slightly at him.

"Can you please read the extract to the class-" their English teacher spoke before being interrupted by the door bursting open. "Ahh Mr Latierri and Mr Murdoch, find a seat and open your books to page 37."

The two scrambled to the back of the class, Sonny finding Marty and pulling a chair up to sit as close to her as possible, Marty shrugging him off her shoulders and fixing her makeup.

Kenickie on the other hand took the seat in front of Carmen. Leaning back on his chair he tilted his head to see her.

"Hey Baby, you got a book?" He asked grinning.

"Yeah here." She passed the book and stared as he held it upside down attempting to find the page. "You got biology next?" Baby asked.

"Ahh yeah. Watch Patty Simcox's purse." He said before passing the book back and leaning on the table in front. She was confused by what he said but didn't think too much of it.

When English was over Carmen headed to her locker to get ready for Biology.

"Sooo, who's the mystery man?" Frenchie asked standing behind the locker door.

"Oh I told ya, he doesn't go here." Baby lied, pushing her locker shut and heading down the hall.

"Okay we'll see ya later." French called down the hall leaving Carmen to get to her Biology lesson. When she got there she sat next to Jan, they were sitting on the other side of the room to the t-birds.

"Heya Carmen!" Jan called just as the lesson began and she had settled into her seat next to the other pink lady.

Jan and Carmen were distracted from their conversation by a piercing scream from Patty Simcox. Instantly Carmen had understood what Kenickie was talking about earlier and when she saw Patty toss her bag across the classroom with a rat scurry away from it, it all made sense.

"Good morning, boys and girls and welcome to what will be our greatest year at Rydell..." Their headteacher relayed over the tannoy, Carmen had once again began to daydream, thinking about her summer and how she was going to deal with the aftermath.

"Did ya hear that Carry? The national bandstand are coming to Rydell!" Jan exclaimed, placing a hand on Carmen's shoulder to get her attention.

She vaguely smiled and mouthed a yeah in response, turning her head to see Kenickie messing around with Putzie and Doody. The rest of the lesson Jan spent talking about how she hoped Putzie would take her to the dance and the dress she wanted to wear.

But before long it was lunch and Carmen headed off with Jan to meet up with Riz, Marty and Frenchie.

When they got to the table Frenchie was sat opposite a blonde neat looking girl, introducing her to the gang. "And this is Jan and Carmen."

"Hiya Carmen, I'm Sandy!" The blonde girl spoke up, Carmen noticing her Australian accent.

"Hm, you new round here?" Carmen asked already knowing the answer but placing a cigarette in her mouth and turning to face the blonde girl to sus her out.

"Yeah, my parents and I moved after spending the summer here." She smiled, looking down at her lunch.

"Mhm, sounds delightful." Rizzo chuckled passing Baby her lighter.

"Don't be so rude Riz, it's her first day remember." Frenchie pleaded smiling over at Sandy, "Oh how terrible of me, sorry French." Rizzo replied sarcastically.

"Marty, are those new glasses?" Marty played with the glasses on her face while staring into her compact mirror "Yeah, don't I look smarter?" Marty replied.

"Nah. You can still see your face." Rizzo came back laughing at her own joke while Carmen stifled a laugh.

"Hi kids!" Patty Simcox. None of the group really liked girls like Patty so when she sat down at their table they were less than impressed.

"Think we can let Sandy in the pink ladies?" The rest of the girls sat at the top of the table while Sandy spoke to Patty Simcox.

"Nah, she's too pure." Riz commented yet again. "What's up with you Baby, we usually can't shut you up."

"Oh nothing. Just thinking."

"Well don't, anyway what'd you do all summer?" Riz asked.

"Got a job, the car. Nothing interesting." Carmen spoke smirking at Frenchie who knew a little more.

"What about you Sandy?" The pink ladies asked the Australian. Carmen put out her cigarette and hung around a little longer listening to her story about meeting a boy on the beach before leaving the group to get something from her car.

She passed the t-birds on her way out and spun around as they wolf whistled her, playing along with their joke.

She passed the t-birds on her way out and spun around as they wolf whistled her, playing along with their joke

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