Maybe a relationship isn't a good thing at a time like this, if there's lack of communication.. It's better to focus on yourself. If both are in a rough time, you can't cheer the other one up if you're not doing well at the same time.

But- I want to be there for Harry, and he promised to be there for me too, right?

Everyone's eyes land on us when we step foot in the common room, looking at us weirdly. The room breaks into whispers and mutters. Some are even reading the daily prophet: PLOTTER. I clutch my necklace, that Harry gave to me last christmas at the yule ball as we walk past the whispering students.

"Dean, Seamus," Harry greets, "Good holiday?"

"All right," Dean nods, "Better than Seamus', anyway."

I smile weakly at Dean, and he waves at me. I'm glad Dean hasn't told Harry anything about our past. It says a lot about him, he's a good person.

"Me mum didn't want me to come back this year," Seamus stands up.

I sense that something is about to go down, so i pull Harry's hand, trying to lead him to his room, but he doesn't budge.

"Why not?" Harry asks.

"Let me see... Because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you and Dumbledore."

"What, your mum believes them?"

"Nobody was there the night Cedric died."

I flinch, Hearing Seamus' words. I'm still not over Cedric's death, and how i feel really guilty for him. He was such a kind soul, he was really nice to me. But everytime he tried to talk to me, i scoot away. Everyday since his death, i regret it. I should've talked to him, at least. I'm not saying i regret dating Harry, and going to the yule ball with him.. But i could've just atleast talked more with Cedric instead of running off- But i didn't.

"I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother," Harry snaps, which kind of shocks me.

"Harry.." I whisper, trying to pull him away from the argument, but he still doesn't budge.

"Don't talk about my mother."

"I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar."

"What's going on?" Ron steps in, standing beside Harry.

"He's mad, is what's going on," Seamus points at Harry, "Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?"

"Yeah. I do," Ron nods.

I can't stay silent anymore, i have to defend Harry.

"Harry is not lying," I chime in, and everyone's gaze drifted to me. Probably because that's the first time i've spoken since we arrived at Hogwarts.

"Lucius Malfoy was there, and Harry would never lie about my father being a death eater," I continue, and everyone widens their eyes.

"Yeah, that's right. I just found out that i'm the daughter of a death eater."

"And what? You're just going to believe him when he lies like that about your family, Y/n?" Seamus shouts, and i shout back, louder:

"Lucius Malfoy has never treated me as family!"

"Why would i lie about my father being a death eater, huh?" I calm down a bit, but still keeping the angry tone, "Harry is telling the truth. Voldemort IS back."

"Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?" Ron asks the room, as Harry stomps up to his dorm, and i follow.

"Haz— Are you.. Are you alright?" I ask, approaching my boyfriend.

"Fine," He simply replies, not taking a glance of me at all.

"Seamus was bang out of order, mate," Ron comes in the room, "But he'll come through, you'll see."

"I said, I'm fine," Harry shouts, taking Ron and i by surprise. We glance at each other worriedly, before Ron sighs in defeat.

"Right. I'll just leave you and Y/n to it then," He walks out, leaving Harry and i alone in the dormroom.

"Harry.." I tap his shoulder, in attempt to talk to him.

"Not now, Y/n."

Harry has never called me Y/n since he's given me that stupid bubbles nickname..

"I'm here for you— You can talk to me," I try to turn his body around to face me, pulling his shoulder gently.

"Can't you just stop bothering me?" He snaps, making me furrow my eyebrows.

I was just trying to help— I was being nice! I'm prioritising him, even though i need help as well. Can't he see that? Or is he just to selfish to do so?

"Harry, i don't think you get it. I'm trying to help you!"

Harry turns around, looking at me with furious eyes. "I don't need your help!"

I scoff, "Don't you know i'm putting you first, here? I need help too, i'm not in a good place either. But despite all of that, you're still my priority! Because i love you!"

"Then don't!" He shouts at the top of his lungs, "Don't help me! I told you, i don't need your help. Just— Just help yourself!"

"You're selfish, Harry. There are two people in this relationship, you know?"

I exit his room, slamming the door on my way out. I make my way to my room and crawl into bed, crying under the covers.

In a time like this, we should be there for each other. When we're both on our lowest, we're supposed to support one another, and not lash out at each other. This type of relationship isn't right— We have to be together not only during the happy times, but also hard times. I don't think Harry gets it.

I clutch my initial necklace, which is matched with Harry's. Mine has his initial, and he has mine. I know he still wears it too. I look down, gazing at my "promise" ring with Draco as well.

One of the things that Draco has said to me through telepathy was..

"Don't you dare take that ring off. I still have mine."

And i don't think i will take if off anytime soon— That's too much pressure.

I hear a knock on my door, then someone steps in. I don't move, i don't have the energy to do so. These couple of weeks have been mentally draining.

It was Hermione, she cuddles up next to me in my bed, as i cry in her arms.

"I know it's Harry— I know everything is  hard for you right now, Y/n. And i'm so so sorry."

"I'm just happy you're here, Hermione."

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