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third person.

presley had just gotten off the phone with corbyn's moms to ask her if she wanted to come over for dinner with her mom.

"saskia said they will all be over and thea said her and jordan are all good now so she'll be here too." presley explained to her mom. "so dinner for seven of us."

"i definitely have enough lasagna for all of us." she replied checking the food she had in the oven.

presley sat down right as a small contraction started. "oh another contraction." she said holding her stomach. "a little more painful."

"its been 37 minutes to be exact since your last one." her mother told her as she stood up from the couch.

"restart that timer." she said as she texted corbyn to tell him as he asked her to text him everytime she had a contraction.

as it got later corbyn came home from the studio. "how are you feeling?" he asked placing a kiss on her cheek and hugging her.

"good oh wait never-mind i'm having a contraction." she said looking at her phone. "thats 30 minutes apart." she grabbed corbyn's hand squeezing it slightly.

"also i've been thinking and i've been getting more nervous. so could both of our moms come to the hospital with us?" she paused looking up to him. "they don't have to come right away i'd just like them there a little before i have to push because they've both been through it."

"of course they can." he replied with a smile and placing a kiss on her lips. "my mom is coming tonight right?" she nodded back to him

"and your siblings and thea." she walked into the kitchen to see if her mom needed help.

"you just need to relax, go sit down. i've got everything covered." her mom told her making her go sit on the couch. corbyn walked into the kitchen, "you too go relax with presley."

"you sure?"

"positive i can handle it." corbyn went to sit on the couch by presley.

soon their was a knock on the door and corbyn got up to open it to reveal his family and thea. "come in i think foods almost done but clara won't let us help." he told his family ad they took their shoes off.

"it is just getting done." clara announced to them. corbyn walked over to presley with thea following behind her.

"damn ur hot." thea said quieter so only corbyn and presley could hear her.

"hey back off thats my girlfriend and my child. you can't have them." he said putting his hand out for her as she laughed.

"the baby just kicked, i think it wants out." she said to the two of them as they made their way to the dinner table where the others were waiting.

they began eating and make small talk among eachother. "oh presley brought this up earlier and we'd like if you two." corbyn gestured towards each of their moms. "would be there during delivery."

"we agreed you don't have to be there the whole time i'd just like each of you there before i started pushing and while because you've both been through it before." presley elaborated more.

"that's fine with me. you two could go to the hospital and then just call when you want us to come up and after we can give you two your alone time with the baby." saskia said looking towards carla who agreed with them.

the rest of the dinner was filled with conversations about each of them but mostly focusing on presley and corbyn.

"i can help clean up. you kids go start a movie or something." saskia told them.

each of them made there way to the living room. spreading out along the couches and chairs. corbyn picked a movie out and their moms soon joined and they watched the movie together before the besson's all left.

author's note

i hate this chapter sm its super
short and terrible

it sucks but i didn't know what else to
do bc the baby is coming soon ahahhdhdhd


alsoooo baby might be coming next chapter

baby mama: cmbWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt