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     The rest of the week passes by in a sort of a blur. The day after I went and saw Harry I got a letter from Fred. He apologized that he hasn't written yet and that he has been really busy. He said a few other things but I don't remember them. 
     I have showered once, and I showered for such a long time that I didn't even notice when the water got cold. I have been eating the gum the twins gave me every second of every day. It helps me more than anything. Though I think I can tell what they meant by it not being done yet. I have noticed a few different side effects. Such as being very sleepy, clumsy, and not hungry. 
     I do make sure to get out of bed a few times a day to make sure Pebbles has food and water. Yesterday I had to go down the street to the store to get some more food for Pebbles, but I made sure to be safe. I think. After when I was opening a can of food for him I accidentally cut my palm with the lid. I got a little worried when I didn't feel the pain from it, but the worry was quickly washed away by the gum. 
     I know I bought a few things from the store but I don't remember what. All I remember is the cat food. Yesterday night is when I showered, so at least I am clean. I think I fell asleep and that's why I didn't remember the water getting cold. 
     Right now I am laying on my bedroom floor with all the lights out. The gum works best in the dark. It allows my imagination to really run wild. Like right now. It sounds like there is some people downstairs, but I know there is no one because I locked the door when I got back yesterday. At least I think I remember locking it. 
     Pebbles runs over and jumps on my chest, he is meowing nonstop. I pet him but he doesn't stop. "Are you hungry? I thought I already fed you," I say while sitting up. As I sit up I see someone coming up through the door. I jump up and run to pick up my wand that is laying on the bedside table. 
     I quickly point it at whoever is coming up. "Woah! Calm down!" The man says. "Lumos." His wand lights up the room. I flinch and shield my eyes from it until they adjust then look to see Remus Lupin. 
     "Professor Lupin? What are you doing here?" I ask confused. "Wait, are you really here or am I imagining you?" I quickly add. "I am really here," He says while finally coming up into the room. Behind him, a red-headed boy pops up. A wide grin on his freckled face. "Hey, love. What did you do to your hair?"
     For a second I couldn't tell if it was Fred Weasley or his twin George, but him calling me love cleared it right up. I smile at him and don't answer. "I didn't expect a view. But really, what is wrong with your hair?" he says while turning lightly red. I look at myself. "Yes, you should probably get dressed," Lupin adds while looking out my window. All I have on is a large shirt and underwear. 
     I can't help but bust out laughing. I know I would normally be really confused and embarrassed, but right now all I can think about is how funny this is. Fred gives me a worried look and walks over. "Are you okay?" I nod and keep laughing. "What's in your mouth?" he asks. "Your gum," I answer when I finally catch my breath. "How long have you been chewing it?"  "A dew days I think."  "You need to spit it out now," He says quickly. "Why? I like it," I say sadly. "Charlie. Spit it out now," Lupin says sternly. I make a pouty face and then spit it into a napkin. 
     Fred walks over to the door and yells down, "George! Will you bring up a cup of water?!" Before walking over to me. "Charlie you need to get dressed," He says while taking my hand. I look at Lupin. "Why are you here?"  "We are taking you to stay at the Burrow for a while," He answers while handing me some pants. 
     I take them and slide them on. They are just some black sweat pants. A moment later boy exactly identical to Fred comes up, a cup of water in his hand. George walks over and hands it to me while suppressing a laugh. "What the hell is up with your hair?" he asks. "I'm not thirsty," I say while pouting. "Drink it," Fred says while giving me a stern look. 
     "I don't know why you keep mentioning my hair. I didn't do anything to it," I say before I chug the water. After a few minutes, the dizzy weightless feeling fades and reality sets in. "It will take a few hours for her to be back to normal," Fred says while looking at Lupin. "And she will have a hell of a headache," George adds. 
     "The gum is one of your creations I'm guessing?" Lupin asks. The twins give a guilty look. "I will wait downstairs with Tonks. Try and hurry up," He says before gently patting my arm and going back downstairs. 
     "Why are you here taking me to your house?" I ask confused. "We will explain later. Pack your stuff," Fred says before getting my trunk an setting it on my bed.  George gets my bags and turns on the lights. I go over and repack everything up. 
     As soon as I go to pick up the bags Fred and George both do it. "We got it," They say in synch. I lightly shake my head then pick up Pebbles. "What is that?" George asks looking at him. "It's my cat Pebbles."  "What is wrong with it?" Fred asks. "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with him." They give each other a look then shrug and go down the stairs. I turn the light off then follow. 
     At the bottom of the stairs, Lupin is standing with a short, scrawny girl with bright bubblegum pink hair. She is very attractive. She smiles at me. "Wotcher Charlie. I like your hair."  "Thanks. I like yours too," I say slightly confused. Why is everyone mentioning my hair? It isn't any different than it normally is. 
     "Charlie this is Tonks," Fred says with a slight smile. "You two should get along really well," George adds. I lightly wave at her. "We don't have time for introductions. We were already supposed to be back. Your mother is going to be worried," Lupin says while looking around. 
     Fred takes my hand and then nods. "See you back at the Burrow," Tonks says with a smile before taking Lupins hand and disapparating. George salutes to Fred before doing the same. "Ready?" He asks me. I am about to say no when he does it anyway. I hold onto his hand tightly and close my eyes. 
     When I open them we are standing in a field in front of an old-looking house. It looks as though it was originally a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several crooked stories high. There are four or five chimneys perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, the burrow. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard.
     "It's not a lot, but it's home," Fred says with a smile. I slightly smile at him. "I like it." He smiles more. Suddenly a really bad headache hits me ass well as a dizzy spell. I wobble and the only reason I don't fall is because Fred keeps me up. 
     Lupin comes over and puts his arm around me for support so Fred can carry the bags and Pebbles. We walk inside with George and Tonks at our side. Once we get into the warm room Mrs. Weasley rushes over. 
     "What took you so long? Are you okay? Charlie dear what's wrong? What is wrong with your hair?" She says quickly while taking my hands. "She needs rest," Lupin says while glancing at the twins. "They can explain what is wrong with her." 
     She gives the twins a look. "Oh if you boys did one of your nasty pranks on her-!"  "We didn't mum!"  "We swear!"  "I'll take her up to sleep," Tonks says to Lupin as the twins try to explain what's wrong with me to their mother without getting in trouble. 
     Tonks helps me up a few of the flights of stairs before walking into a room. Ginny is sitting in a chair. She looks at us. "Hey Tonks, hey Charlie. Are you okay?" she says while standing. "I'm okay. Just dizzy," I say quietly. I don't mean for it to come out so quiet, but I am having shortness of breath from the stairs. 
     Tonks rests me on the bed. "She will need to rest for a while. The twins said she should be okay after that," Tonks says while putting her hands on her hips. "Did they do something to her?" Ginny asks, slight anger in her voice. "I don't think so. She was like that when we got to her. Something about gum," Tonks says with a shrug. 
     I want to stay sitting up but when I lay down the spinning that I feel in my head stops. They both look at me. I try to keep my eyes open, but they are too heavy. They say a few more things that are then followed by footsteps and a door shutting. Within seconds I am unconscious. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz