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"i hate winter" i whispered under my breath, as i blew into my hands trying to find any type of warmth.

i walked around trying to distract myself from the violent thoughts that swirled through,y mind. however i was rudely interrupted by someone grabbing and throwing me against a wall. i sighed to myself as i looked at the person responsible for interrupting my peace.

to my surprise, it was some old man that reeked of alcohol.

he smiled at me and whispered "what is a little girl like you doing out here at night?". ignoring his question i looked up into his eyes. "you shouldn't ignore your elders little girl" he said getting louder. he smells i thought to myself. laughing to myself a bit, i whispered loud enough for the old man to hear "release me".

once i told him my command he immediately let go. should i kill him? i began to ponder. i kept the eye contact as i began to give him my next command, only this time. the command will be fatal. "stop breathing".

i watched as he held his breath, his eyes holding nothing but fear and panic. i watched all of this until he collapsed. waiting a bit longer, i knew he was dead.

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