chapter four

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George was right, it was easy to figure out how things worked here. You came to realize it wasn't too far off from the way the muggle lifestyle worked.

It was kind of sad to not have Fred and George in your classes because you were in different years, but you did have Ron, who introduced you to his best friend, Harry. Hermione instantly became your library buddy, and Neville got sorted into Gryffindor as well, so things were working relatively smoothly for you.

There was one issue.

Draco Malfoy seemed to take Harry's friendship decline personally, and was sort of making your life a nightmare whenever you walked next to the famous Potter. You did notice thankfully, he was more intrigued about getting back at Harry, than tormenting you. Although, he was mean to practically anyone who wasn't a Slytherin, so you only put your foot down when you had too.

The trio and yourself were currently at flying practice with Madam Hooch, and all the other students. You had to stick your right hand over the broom and shout, "Up!" to get them flying.

Harry and Draco's came up quickly, and you got yours around the third try, which according to Madam Hooch "Is relatively good for a girl your age, young lady."

Hermione's however, was rolling around instead of following her directions, to her great agitation. Neville seemed simply frightened at the thought of the broomstick. You were reminded of him almost toppling off the boat last night, and deep down agreed with it being a idea that was 'a bit out of sorts' for him.

Nevertheless, you helped both of them with their brooms, and eventually the entire class had their brooms in hand. "Now once you've grabbed hold, I want you to mount it." Madam Hooch declared, firmly.

And complete chaos erupted from the poor Neville Longbottom.

He floated off the ground and eventually went out of control. He was swaying left and right, shooting in multiple directions, and was even spinning uncontrollably. He shot up violently into the air, and fell off his broom.

You screamed in terror, thinking Neville was going to fall straight from it, but his robe got stuck on a statue from one of the tower tops. It helped ease his momentum a bit, until he messily fell to the ground.

You bolted towards Neville's sprawled out body, with Hermione on your tail, and Madam Hooch beside you. The other students ran towards him, after noticing you taking off. You heard Neville whimpering and knelt down, but Madam Hooch stepped in front of you helped him up before you could speak.

"Oh dear, a broken wrist." she announced, while clicking her tongue in dismay.

Your mouth fell open in shock.

'A broken wrist... on the first day of school? I'll have to be careful then.'  Your stomach curled. You hoped it was just a rare, bad occasion. Nobody could actually get hurt at Hogwarts, right?

Hermione helped you off the ground, and you brushed off your dirt covered robes. Madam Hooch announced that she had to take Neville to the hospital wing and that anyone who hopped on a broom without being under her supervision, would find themselves expelled.

Hermione turned to you eyes wide, "Don't you dare hop on the broom, then!" She said, nervously.

To which you nodded and said, "Of course I wouldn't! I'd like to stay here, thanks." and you both exchanged smiles.

They were wiped away quickly, when a snarky voice made you turn your head, "Maybe if the fat lover'd given this a squeeze," Draco Malfoy started in his barbaric tone, while raising a Rememberall Orb for everyone to see, that must have fell out of Neville's pocket. "He'd remember to fall on his fat arse!"

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