I Love You (Daryl Dixon)

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For as long as I've known Daryl he hasn't been the romantic type to show PDA or tell you he loves you all the time. But that's only a couple of reasons to love him more. We've been together for about a year and I've yet to hear him tell me he loves me. It's not something I judged him for because I know his past and who he is as a person.

It's going to take him time to let himself get there. I've been patient and can't wait for the day he wants to be that vulnerable with me. Until then I'm going to be there by his side through thick and thin. Today seemed like another ordinary day waking up in Alexandria other than having to deal with our new villain of the year.

Things have been tough since Rick disappeared and Maggie being MIA. Things are starting to fall apart no matter how hard we try to fix them. Now we have to deal with some crazy psycho bitch that calls herself Alpha. But even through all of that, I'm still able to wake up with a smile on my face. Mainly because Daryl is coming to Alexandria today to see me.

It's been, no joke, one month since we last saw each other. We haven't gone that long without seeing each other at all. I miss him but he's been spending a lot of his time at Hilltop and The Kingdom trying to help out as much as he can. Now he's finally coming home to me and I'm beyond excited.

After getting ready I stepped outside of my home only to feel the chilly autumn breeze hit me in the face. It felt really nice and it's also my favorite time of the year. On my way down the porch steps I saw Aaron walking by with his daughter. "Good morning guys!" I smiled. He stopped and gave me a small smile.

"Good morning y/n. Excited to see Daryl?" He asked. I nodded and looked down at Grace.

"How are you today?" I asked her. She only gave me a shy smile and hid behind his leg. It made the two of us laugh as he said goodbye and walked away. Today just seems like it's going to be a good one and I can't quite pin point why. But I'm not going to question it and instead embrace it.

On my walk around Alexandria I noticed the front gates being opened causing my heart to stop. It's him, it has to be. The moment our eyes met a smile spread wide across both our faces. His arms opened wide for me and I ran right into them. He wrapped me in a tight hug that I happily returned.

We held each other tightly for what felt like forever until pulling away to look at one another. Without saying a word he cupped my cheeks in his strong hands and pulled me in for a rough kiss. One that both of us craved, missed, for so long. After pulling away he finally took the time to smile at me and admire my features.

"You don't know how much I missed you." He said, his gruff voice making it even sexier.

"I missed you too, baby." I replied. He and I walked back to my house while talking about what he's been up too and how I've been. The moment we stepped inside the door he suddenly became nervous. As if something is weighing on his mind and making him anxious. It caused a frown to form on my face watching him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, breaking the silence. He shook his head yes before coming over to me and tangling his hands in mine. He stared into my eyes and gave me the best smile he could muster up.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while but every time I try to get the words out it's like my tongue gets all twisted. This has been hard for me to say because you mean so much to me and I've never had anyone like you in my life before," he went on making me nervous.

"What I'm trying to say is...I love you." He let out and my eyes widened. "I love you y/n."

Hearing the words leave his mouth made a large smile form on mine. Not being able to say anything I pulled him in for a sweet kiss. He loved that and kissed me back as his hands rested firmly on my waist. It lasted for probably a solid minute until we pulled away.

"I love you too Daryl," I assured him. It relieved him to hear me say it back and he hugged my body close to his. I rested my head on his chest while we embraced each other for a while. This moment couldn't get any better than it has right now. He doesn't even understand how happy he truly makes me.

My heart belongs to Daryl and I wouldn't trade a single thing for him or the time we've spent together. "I'm so happy to finally be able to say those words to you. I wanted you to know how much I care about you, how much I really love you." He mumbled in my ear.

"I already knew you loved me but hearing you say it out loud made it even better." I said while pulling away slightly to look into his eyes.

"I never want to lose this...us." He said more to himself than to me.

"And you won't." I answered before giving him one more assuring kiss.

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