Chapter 5

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I woke up on Tuesday, September 1st, 1349 with a smile on my face. Today was the day I was finally going to Hogwarts. The only thing really worrying me at this point was how I was going to get to Hogwarts. I packed everything into my bag because I didn't own a trunk for my belongings. Luckily because I was able to put an extendable charm on the bag so everything fit inside of it.

At around 10:45 am I received a letter brought by an owl.

Dear Ms. Kedavra

I understand you need a way to get to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Unfortunately, the train that brings the students to Hogwarts leaves in around 15 minutes (depending on if this owl gets to you at around 10:45).

Because you won't be able to get to the train in time, I am sending a professor to come and pick you up.

The professor will be the around 5:45 tonight.

When you arrive you will be sorted last seeing as you are starting your fifth year.

I will see you when you arrive.

Signed, Headmistress Phyllida Spore

"Oh well, at least I know how I'm getting there now. Although now I have to entertain myself for a couple of hours now." I said to myself.

When I said entertain myself, that means I took a nap. A very good nap.

I woke up at around 5:30. 15 minutes before I was going to be picked up. I got into my Hogwarts uniform, put my shoes on, checked to make sure I had everything in my bag and checked to make sure I look presentable before I left.

At exactly 5:45, I heard a loud crack. I looked over and by the door stood a man.

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is Professor Jenellis. I am here to bring you to Hogwarts."

"Oh. Well it's a pleasure to meet you, sir"

"You as well. Now take my arm and I will apperate us right outside Hogwarts borders seeing as we cannot apperate on Hogwarts grounds. Then we will walk up to the castle and get you sorted into your house"

I took his arm and we went. Apperating was a really uncomfortable experience. It felt like I was being pushed and pulled inside of a tube. Once the weird feeling was gone, I noticed we were at a clearing that led to Hogwarts.

Once I saw the castle, my jaw dropped. Hogwarts was beautiful. The castle was even more fascinating on the inside than it was on the outside. Professor Jenellis and I walked up to two large doors when he stopped.

"Alright. Wait right here so I can inform the Headmistress that you have arrived" he said

"Okay. I will see you in a couple of minutes then" I replied. He went inside and told the Headmistress that I was here. From inside I heard the headmistress say "Welcome back students who are second year and up and welcome to the new ones. Now we have one more student joining us. She's going to be starting her fifth year so if she needs help please be respectful and help her."

With that, I opened the doors and walked in. The Great Hall was huge and the ceiling was gorgeous. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky and it was amazing. When I walked through the walkway I heard many whispers about me

"Who is she?"

"She's really pretty"

"Why's she starting so late?"

I just ignored the whispers and went and sat down on the stool at the front of the hall. Once I sat down something was placed on my head. When I looked up I saw a hat. Surprised by the fact that a hat was sorting me I heard a voice say "If you could please let me into your mind that would be appreciated so I can sort you."

With that, I replied "Did the hat just talk to me?" Many people laughed at my response. I opened my mind to the hat and it began to talk to me through my mind.

"Hm, difficult. Very difficult. You have traits of all the houses. You're kind like a Hufflepuff but if somebody crosses you, you wouldn't mind doing damage to them so not Hufflepuff. You are intelligent. Very intelligent indeed but your smarts are needed elsewhere so not Ravenclaw. Very ambitious and cunning but your bravery overrides that. I know just where to put you.

Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

With that, I stood up and started walking towards the table filled with red. When I was about to arrive I heard someone yell my name


When I looked up I saw the person I least expected to see


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