Those who eavesdrop never hear the full story

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//This was a really really really difficult chapter, as the others from now (for a while) will be. Grab tissues and get ready to murder me if you must//

Y/n told the girls all about what she'd talked about with Evil before she left for recess. Despite it not really answering the question of 'why is Evil acting so weird' it gave a nod towards it. The three seemed curious when it came to his evasiveness.

Since she only had lessons with Clare she had to discuss the situation with her straight after recess. Clare seemed to think that they couldn't do anything to stop Evil if he really was... evil. But Y/n reminded her they had a very important asset... Gumball Watterson. He could unintentionally cause havoc if needs be.

"And, if he's distracting everyone," Y/n whispered to Clare as they sat out in Gym- it was dodgeball again and as a precaution, the teacher had sat them out for a while- planning a full-scale break-in. "we'll sneak into his office and search through his stuff. With gloves. Because he'll probably bring a SWAT team or something to check who'd been there."

Clare snorted. "He probably has cameras."

"I can sort that," Y/n shrugged. She knew someone adept with technology- the internet himself. He only lived a few blocks away from her house. "what I'm worried about is getting Gumball in on it and him messing it up. As I said, he can unintentionally cause havoc."

When Gym finished- and Y/n had a lovely new injury, despite sitting out- she went straight to Miss Simian's class to wait outside for Gumball. The gym finished early when most people paid attention.

Gumball and Darwin came out of the class together and the little fish was first to notice Y/n by the door.

"Hey, Y/n, are you riding on the bus with us?" His tone was hopeful.

"Um... no, I'm walking with Clare today. But I wanted to speak to Gumball."

Gumball snorted. "So, you remember that I exist, huh? Or am I too much of an idiot?"

Y/n sighed. "I'm sorry, Gumball. I really am. I was having a weird morning, okay? I didn't mean to lash out at you."

"It's fine," Gumball shrugged, "mom told us everything. Said you needed to be left alone for a while."

"She told you?" Y/n was amazed. "Well, fine. You would've found out somehow anyway. But actually, I'm here to ask for some help,"

Gumball raised an eyebrow. "Will you shout at me if I say no?"

"Probably," Y/n joked. "but do you know Superintendent Evil?"

As she said it, Evil came past, eyes averted, looking thoroughly harassed. Y/n blinked after him but turned back to Gumball.

"Oh, do I? Yeah. He gave us too many detentions. Why?"

"Well... Clare, Penny, Carrie, and I... are hoping to break into his office," She whispered at him. His eyes widened.

"Oh wow. Yes, I'll help. That sounds awesome!" Gumball cried, enthusiastic. "What do I have to do?"

Y/n shrugged, "I'll tell you at home, someone might overhear. I just wanted to get your approval."

"' Kay. Aren't you and Clare going for ice-cream with Penny and Carrie? I heard them talking about it,"

She nodded. "I won't be back until later. We can plan a proper strategy tonight. Luckily, I spent so much time with Rob, planning, and stuff, that I think I already have one, but I need it down on paper to get an understanding. See ya later,"

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