The win by default; the teacher crush.

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//Oh boy, my vision is beginning to become real. There is going to be important stuff after this, and Y/n will be dealing with the issues of a normal teen girl, apposed to the fact that her parents disappeared, her boyfriend had been to the void and back, she's kissed another boy and can't tell if she fully regrets it, and Superintendent Evil has been acting strange around her...//

She went with Superintendent Evil to his office almost straight away. Many people said hi to her as she passed, bemused she was walking somewhere with a teacher. Evil seemed curious about the way she acted in response to those who knew her; as if he'd been wondering for a while.

Evil's office was exactly as she remembered from the days previous- as if it was barely used. Y/n wouldn't put it past him to stalk the hallways, looking out for miscreants. Maybe she would hang out in the hallways more often and created disruptions. But then she remembered- she was already in his office right then.

Should she stand up to him? He was right there and seemingly waiting for her to say something. She went for it.

"Superintendent Evil, I really think-" She began, but he cut her off.

"Y/n, is it?" She nodded, unsure. It sounded as if he already knew what her name was. "Your foster mother Nicole called me this morning. Said you..." He trailed off, looking awkward. "said you started feeling... you know," He gestured at her. "so I sympathized. I... wanted to make sure you felt okay in school."

"Are you doing this with other girls my age?" She asked. The question was out of her mouth before she could really think.

"Well," He chuckled nervously. "no. You're an exception... because you're such a great student."

"There are other great students," She countered.

His polite smile faltered. "I-I know. What I mean is... you're an experiment?"

She was an experiment now. Fantastic.

"What if I don't want to be an experiment?"

He stood up and peered down at her. "Well, I'd have to make you."

Her eyes widened. There was something familiar here... why couldn't she put her finger on it?

"I- I'd like to see you try, sir." She smiled as best as she could.

"Indeed you would," His smile looked more natural than she'd ever seen.

They spent the hour she had for English (thank GOD she didn't have that lesson, if she was shouting at Gumball now she'd probably murder Miss Simian) working on some old exams together. He said he wanted her in 'tip-top shape' for her actual exams the next day.

When recess came he let her leave, but she stayed put in her seat.

"Is there a problem?" He asked, confused about why she hadn't left.

"I just need to ask one question," She said. He looked wary but nodded. "is there something going on here I should know? We don't need a superintendent. This school- despite appearance- is doing just fine." He went to speak but she held a finger up. "I have another question, now I'm thinking. Evil- is that really such a great alias?"

He looked slightly taken aback. Then he said, "Nothing is going on that you should be concerning yourself with, Y/n. I'm- my name- it's just spelled that way. And... erm... there's a lot of things the... adults are dealing with. Or rather... they can't deal with it, so I had to step in?"

The last sentence was more of a question. Of, if she believed it, and if it was a good enough excuse. She thought neither.

But she forced a smile. "Alright, I'll just leave it to you adults then," but she wouldn't. She was going to find out what was going on here if it was the last thing she did.

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