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May 6th, 2024 - Newark, New Jersey

It was roughly nine in the morning when Teegan walked out of her bathroom, towel-drying her wet curls. Another towel was firmly wrapped around her body. She immediately approached her desk, which was decorated with an accumulation of paperwork. After the team's last mission together, Teegan was a leader of S.H.I.E.L.D's inhuman task force for several years before deciding to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. for good. Since she played such an influential role in the force, it was practically impossible for her to stay away. She was glad to be of use in ways that didn't include field missions.

The new head of the force, Bea Brinley, was not inhuman which brought disdain to the powered agents when it was announced that she would be replacing Teegan. They all appreciated her kind nature and understanding demeanor. Although the inhuman agents weren't in support of this new change of authority, Agents Brinley and Grant privately collaborated to make sure that all went well. The paperwork was overwhelming for Bea, so Teegan didn't mind helping her get used to her new position.

Today, however, she wasn't helping Bea, she was playing teacher for the day. Melinda asked her to speak on behalf of the Inhuman task force. She rejected the offer... several times.

She neatly sorted through a disorganized heap of papers and arranged them into a tidy stack, before sliding the stack into a folder and carefully slid it into a black shoulder bag. A beet-red pantsuit laid neatly on the bed of the hotel, a suit that she eventually put on before sliding into a pair of comfortable black heels. She proudly checked herself out in a full-body mirror one last time before requesting an Uber.

For safety, Teegan requested the Uber dropped her off a mile away from her actual location, which meant she had to walk a mile... in heels.


"I'm never doing this shit again." She muttered under her breath. A large, metallic S.H.I.E.L.D logo became visible after twenty minutes, which earned a grateful sign from the woman. Though her feet hurt terribly, she was able to walk at a quicker pace once she saw her end goal.

The Academy. This was only the second time she entered the building, the first time being when Coulson dropped her and Daisy off to congratulate May on her new position. Glossy floors and high ceilings were a staple in S.H.I.E.L.D's architecture, so it wasn't surprising that it carried over into the newly renovated Academy. Young, bright-eyed students littered the lobby of the building, all wearing obnoxiously bright lanyards.

"Neon green for visitors." Agent Koenig recited to a bewildered Teegan. She was never quite sure which Koenig she was talking to.

Butterflies danced in her stomach as she approached Melinda May's office. She could fight aliens and Inhumans, but public speaking was a huge pass. Her door was open slightly, signaling that she was accepting visitors.

"Ahem" Teegan cleared her throat before politely tapping on the door.

"Come in," Melinda called out monotonously. "I'm surprised you came."

"Did I have a choice?" Teegan chuckled cleverly. Deep down she knew she could never say no to Melinda May.

"Ha. You're the only one I trust to give a useful presentation".

"I'm not the head of the Inhuman Task Force anymore."

"That's not true."

Teegan scoffed. She didn't necessarily disagree, but she preferred it this way. Did she miss the field ops sometimes? Maybe. But she's experienced the most peace in the last year than she has her entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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