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The next morning I went down into the lab with Leo to see our new friends

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The next morning I went down into the lab with Leo to see our new friends.

“Okay, Chase. Enemy grenade, three o' clock!” Chase put up a force field. It was hot. “Hey! Why does he get a force field, and I don't?” Adam asked. Bree walked over to him.

“Cause if you had one, I wouldn't be able to do this.” She said as she threw a water bottle at him. Leo and I laughed at this. “Okay, you guys take the rest of the day off. I'm gonna go speak at a tech conference-- because I'm awesome-- I'm gonna have the speedboats detailed, and then I'm gonna go get waxed. Don't judge me.” He said as he was walking out.

“Oh we’re judging.” I yelled as he walked away. Leo laughed at me. “Well, We better get ready for school.” Leo told me. We started to walk when Bree stopped us. “Ooh! I have always dreamed about going to school. Passing notes, going to prom, breaking into choreographed dance numbers after math class.” Does she know that only happens in the movies?

“Yeah. All we do is eat, sleep, and train for missions. We're like human lab rats.” That can’t be true right. “Come on, it can't be that bad.” Leo told Chase. We heard squeaking so we turned to Adam as he was running on a big hamster wheel. I frowned have they always lived like this. I mean I know they are bionic but can’t they have a normal life.

“So, you've never left this room? That explains the haircuts.” They looked at him offended I just nodded in agreement they were terrible haircuts like take them to a barber or cute there hair is Davenport that cheap.

“I bet school's fun. You know, except for books, classes, and learning stuff.” That is literally what school is. “Um Adam that is what school is all about.” But I was ignored. “It's not fun when you're the smart kid.” I looked at him and thought about it for a minute. He’s right.

“Well, down here, smart is considered superior.” Chase said while looking at me. I smiled at him and he beamed. He is so cute. “No, it's not.” Adam and Bree said at the same time. Chase frowned. Poor Chase.

“Hey, you guys should come to school with us! You could be our bionic bodyguards!” Leo said and I nodded. This will be fun. What could possibly go wrong. 

“I’m in!”
“Let’s go!”

“Not on my watch, laser brains!” Eddy said to us. Is he like everywhere? He is so annoying. I looked at him and glared. “Aw, shoot. We forgot about Davenport's creepy computer.” Adam said as I was still glaring at eddy. Chase walked up to me.

“What are you doing?” I kept glaring at eddy and answered. “I don’t like him, he is annoying.” Chase chuckled. I looked at him and we stared into each other’s eyes.

“I thought it was just in the living room!” Leo said breaking our eye contact. “Nope! I'm everywhere.” I looked at Eddy. “Well go away we don’t want you here.” I said to him. “No can do princess.” I glared at Eddy again as Leo pulled me by his side. “In my shower?!” Leo asked the computer.

“Yep. And by the way, nothing needs to be that clean, sport-o.” We all backed away from Leo. “Okay, we need to shut that thing off.” I told them. Chase walked up to me. “Never gonna happen, okay? Eddy is an incredibly complex and sophisticated piece of machinery. It would take years before..” before he could finish Adam pulled the wires.

“Aha! Sweet! I barely got electrocuted!” I laughed at that. “Okay, come on. If we're gonna go to school, we should shower first, because two of us really stink.” The boys smelled themselves and nodded in agreement.

” The boys smelled themselves and nodded in agreement

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