Chapter 1

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I was a nine-tailed kitsune who was left out in the world to rot. My father once told me that I should have been aborted, but my mother told him that she couldn't afford to get me fucking aborted, so they were stuck with me until the day I was born. Once I became around 7 years old, on May 2nd 1944, my parents had me shipped off to the orphanage and told them to treat me like a servant, to which they did, until I turned 15 and they threw me out on the streets and I was found by a clown, who took me in and cared for me........................or was only being nice because he pitied me. I never really knew what love was, until the clown, who took me in and cared for me, along with freaks from a freak show, called Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities. Paul, or as he's known by his stage name, Seal boy, is also my uncle on my moms side, took quickly to me, but I didn't know what to do, feel, or say about what was going on.

"Cecil, it's alright, darling, nothing is gonna harm you. I'm right here" Uncle Paul said, in a calming British accent. Not knowing what to do, I ran away, but bumped into conjoined twins, and never seeing one before, I did the only thing I could think of and that was scream. Running the fuck away screaming, I ran into the woods, with everyone following me, yelling at me to come back.

Not being fast enough, I was caught by I think Jimmy, was his name, Ethel's son, whichever one she was. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, preventing me from running off again. Jeez, he's stronger than I give him credit for. Slinging me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he took me back to the grounds, kicking and screaming, the whole way back. "Stop beatin' my back, it ain't makin' me let go faster, toots" Jimmy said.

"Jimmy, be gentle with my niece" Uncle Paul said. Once we were back at the grounds, I was confronted by the conjoined girls, after Jimmy put me down. "How dare you scream at me and my sister" the mean twin said. "Dot, be nice, don't scare her more than she already is" the nice twin said as I ran and hid behind my uncle. The one named Dot, looked at her sister and sighed.

"You're right, Bette. I should say sorry to her. I shouldn't have yelled at her" Dot said softly to her sister. They made their way over to me and the one called Dot looked at me, but I turned away, scared that she was going to yell at me again. "Hey, its ok, sweetie. She just wants to apologize for yelling at you" Uncle Paul said.

I looked up at him and nodded slightly. "He's right. I'm sorry for yelling at you" she said. "Uh, i-its ok" I said, shying behind my uncle. "Yer niece be a right shy one, huh, Paul?" Ethel said. She has a beard I thought to myself as I started hyperventilating.

He nodded and took me on a tour of the grounds, after calming me down again, to which I met more of his friends and I took really quickly to the tall girl, who I think Uncle Paul said her name was Eve and she was really nice to me.

Then there was this other girl, but she didn't have legs, she walked on her hands, which was pretty frickin cool, he said her name was Suzie. This one guy, walked right up me and meeped. "His name is Meep, Cecil" Uncle Paul told me. "Meep, meep, meep, meep, meep" Meep said. I looked up at my uncle, with confusion on my face.

"Meep said you are very pretty. *looks at Meep* Yes, Meep, my niece is very pretty, thank you. Takes after her mum" Uncle Paul told Meep. "Awe, he's adorable" I giggled. Meep squealed and ran circles around me, making me look at Uncle Paul confused and a little scared. "Darling, he does that when he's happy, nothing to be scared of" he said, as Meep stopped. After that, we left and met with the owner of the freak show, Elsa Mars.

"Is this the niece, the one you told me about, liebe?" a woman with a heavy German accent asked. I assumed her to be Elsa Mars, the owner of the place. "Ms. Elsa, this is my niece, Cecil Mott" Uncle Paul said. "Mott? As in Dandy Mott? Has that spoiled brat set you up, perhaps, Paul?" Ms. Elsa asked. "M-may I please say something?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes, yes, what is it, mädchen?" Ms. Elsa asked, looking at me. Almost instantly, I froze, but my uncle pressed me to say what I wanted to say. "B-believe what you want, but my dad threw me in an orphanage and told them to treat me like a servant, to which they did, and when I turned fifteen, they threw me out, because I was accused of killing the owner of the orphanage" I said.

"Mein liebling, that is horrible. You must've been terrified before you got kicked out of there" she said, in a calm voice. "I was, actually. While I was wandering the streets, this clown took me in and cared for me, but I got scared and ran away but Uncle Paul found me and brought me here this morning" I said. "So that scream I heard, was you then, mein liebling?" Elsa asked. I nodded and clung to my uncle. Just as Uncle Paul was about to say something, I heard an all too familiar voice and I started shaking.

"Hello, freak show peasants" a familiar voice called. "Dandy, why are you here? You need to leave, you are scaring Cecil" Uncle Paul said. "Funny thing about that name, I had a-----YOU!! You are supposed to be dead! No no no no no!! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Dad screamed at me, jumping around like a spoiled brat.

"Is that anyway to treat your daughter, vollidiot?" Elsa asked my dad, who was still throwing a tantrum. Something in me snapped, and I kicked my dad in the shin. "Grow up! You are supposed to be the adult, NOT the child, that's supposed to be my role, moron. Jeez, Mr. Clown was right, you are a spoiled brat!" I yelled at my dad.

Pissed him off is what I did. He made his way over to me and backhanded me to the floor and Ms. Elsa told him to leave before she calls the authorities and have him arrested but he refused to leave. "Paul, tell Jimmy to go to the call box and call the police" Elsa ordered my uncle, who nodded and told him to call the police. Getting up, I ran out of her tent, and ran to the woods, to Mr. Clowns bus. He looks at me and like he knew what happened, he hugged me close.

I cried in the clowns chest as he stroked my hair, calming me down. Scrawling on a piece of paper, he asked me what happened. "My dad backhanded me to the floor, Mr. Clown" I shakily told him. Twisty, my name is Twisty. What's your name again, I kinda forgot he wrote on the piece of paper. "Cecil, my name is Cecil" I said.

He smiled and wrote down for me to close my eyes, he has a surprise for me. I closed my eyes and held out my hands and I felt something plush being put in them. He tapped me on my shoulder to let me know that I could look now. I opened my eyes and saw a little plush bear in my hands. I squealed hugging the bear, then Twisty, who hugged back.

I make toys for the kids, but they don't like them or me but I'm sure you will love them, Cecil Twisty wrote down. "That's sad that the other kids don't like the stuff that you handmade, but I think the toys are so cute, Twisty" I said, hugging him again. His eyes light up and he patted me on my head softly.

Over the course of weeks, I came back to the bus and it was filled with more stuffed animals and porcelain dolls. Cecil, I made more toys and dolls, I think you might like I read the note he left. I picked up a doll and admired her features and the dress she was in.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Jumping around, I saw Twisty. I'm sorry for startling you, Cecil Twisty wrote. "Its ok" I smiled softly. Before I could put the doll back, Twisty told............well more like he wrote a note, telling me that I can have her and all the other toys as well, since I was the only one who appreciated his handmade stuff.

My eyes widen. "I possibly can't have all of them, c-can I?" I asked him, who nodded. I hugged him again and he hugged back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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