The Trial Of Lucius Malfoy (Prologue)

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5th of November 1981

"How do you, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, plead for your crimes under the Dark Lord's will." Bartemius Crouch Snr. glared down at the blond man before him, who was dressed a bit too nicely for a trial so serious.

Lucius glanced at his wife, who was sitting in the stands staring intently down at her hands, her mouth a hard line of concern.

His gaze shifted back to the council, searching out those he made sure wouldn't fail him, speaking more to them than the judge as he gave his well-practiced answer, "Not guilty."

Crouch's beady black eyes flashed. He reshuffled the papers, going over the neat black lines of accusations, a vein in his forehead starting to throb. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a frantic start to his left.

"A-Are, are...." The bald, round wizard paused in his panicked stuttering and composed himself, his purple-cloaked chest heaving. "Are you suggesting, then;" - he looked straight ahead in Lucius's general direction, never quite meeting his, nor his wife's, eyes - "that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Imperiused you and forced you into his service against your true will?"

Lucius was careful to keep a straight expression, searching the old wizard's face for a moment before speaking again. He met the furious eyes of Bartemius Crouch Snr. His mind flew to his son and his wife, to their safety. He imagined what their future would see, now that they would finally be free of pain and suffering and darkness. For the very first time, looking into the eyes and soul of one who wished nothing less than death and madness upon him, he was delighted that the Potter's brat had rid him of his ringleader.

He had given him a chance. And, on the very precipice between damnation and salvation, Lucius Malfoy would give a performance.


After the fateful night in Godric's Hollow, everything changed.

The Dark Lord was dead, and his followers disappeared overnight.

They were all brought to trials, where they would be imprisoned or killed for the heinous crimes they committed during the First Wizarding War.

The Malfoy family was the first to claim they were under the Imperius curse, and soon after, many others followed. The Death Eater trials were scheduled from November 1981 to early 1982, with the most notable trial of Sirius Black, who was accused of selling out the Potters, happening on the 1st of November 1981.

The young Harry Potter was incredibly famous in the Wizarding World, but in the Muggle world where he was brought to live with his uncle and aunt, he was an ordinary orphan. That would all change when his first letter to Hogwarts would arrive, and Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived - would finally learn about his heritage.

Draco Malfoy came from one of the noblest families in the entirety of Britain. He was the heir to the Malfoy fortune, so his future was thought to be set in stone. Everybody thought he would follow his father's footsteps; even Draco himself believed it for some time, but then he was presented with a choice. A choice that would not only impact him but his family and everybody he cared about.

That's when the paths of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter crossed.

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