Ch.6 She's MINE

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* first I wanna say that I have been so busy with working and family due to the holidays. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!! And thank you so much for being patient with me 🥰......

3 months later ........
Destiny POV
I really only have 3 weeks of school left and it's been a journey and I'm finally able to say that I have made my parents proud 🥲. They've always instilled in me that education is everything and if you ain't got nothing else you use that book smart and that street smart in any situation.
I hear my dad call me down " Destiny !!"

"Yes pops" I said as I got out of my comfortable ass bed.

"You and your sister come ride with me real quick. "

Me and Mari walked out at the same time looking at each other like(this shit is suspicious asf)

I've been wanting to tell my kids that the cancer is not going to well in my body and my doctors say I only have up to 6 months to live. I don't want to die at all ; I wanna see my children grow old and give me thousands of grandkids that will love me unconditionally. My life has always been hard but I overcame every obstacle, but it seems this canacer is winning the war. I'm trying so hard to fight back 10 times harder but the chemotherapy and radiation had made my body WEAK ..

"Girls I want y'all to know that I will always love you with all of my heart and even more after that..."
Mari cuts me off " what's wrong dad you're making me worry!" And I look over and see Destiny silently crying 😭. At that moment I knew that my girls loved me as much as I loved them.
" The cancer has spread all over my body and everyday my body shuts down a little more than the day before . M-m-my doctors say I only have about 6 months to live . "

We didn't say anything at all for 5 minutes straight instead we hugged each other tight . After we were done I whispered to them "everything will be okay no matter what " . Even though in the back of my mind I didn't believe it .
I'm going to need my wife to be strong and keep the family together....
I told Ace last week and he didn't take it too well but he knew he had to step up he the man of the family rather soon.

Narrator POV
Mari and Destiny went to talk with Ace about the information they just received from their dad . Their hearts were broken into a million pieces by now and little did they know it would only get worse for the entire family .

Destiny haven't seen or talked to Kaine in the past 3 months, so when she walked into the house she was shocked to see him sitting on Ace couch. She didn't acknowledge Kaine at first , because she was stuck on one mission and that seeing how their brother was handling the news . But Kaine wasn't having that he had dreams about her almost every night for the past 3 months and he was going to tell her what it was . 

When they got in Ace room he was smoking a blunt by himself, but you can see the tears coming his face and faintly hear him say "why god , whyyy?" His little sisters held onto for dear life and that's when he knew that they got to news as well. They were in silence until they decided it was time to be strong for their parents and themselves.
Kaine POV
I heard Mari say " I'll wait for you in the car Dest." And she replied with a simple "ok"

This was my time to comfort her .( it's called slowly winning her over  people) I grabbed her arm slightly as she was walking into the kitchen.
"Aye Destiny , I just wanna say that if you ever need anything at all you can come to me , or you can call me if you ever need a friend to listen to your problems." I said being very sincere .
" Thanks Kaine I'll keep that in mind " she said as she gave me a hug which really surprised but I knew she loved a nigga 😂😂.
I was so distracted because I could feel her double D's pressed against my stomach . I just kept joking her tight until I felt her pulling away from me and only hearing the last part of her sentence which was " I'll see you"
But once again I grabbed her arm and asked to see her phone so that we could have each other's numbers.
I saved her as " my future ❤️", while I couldn't see my name , I noticed that she was smiling like a Cheshire Cat . 

That made me feel good about the progress I made. She will be mine soon ! Believe that.

** what y'all think ? Did anybody almost cry 😿?? What y'all think is going to happen next ??


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