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"ATWAS!" Two-year-old Isabelle yelled. She was currently toddling around the Black's living room. 

"Lizzie?" Atlas was nine years older than his little sister and loved her more than anything. 

"Wewe iws mwuy mowey?"  Little-Atlas smiled. 

"She's on a vacation,"

Atlas didn't know then, but his so-called mother was cheating on her husband. Alexis Black was the type of woman who married for money, not love. And it didn't help that her boyfriend actually knew Alexis was married. 

But eleven-year-old Atlas didn't know that then. Or any of the secrets he would know one day. 

Three Years Later

"Where is she?" Atlas Black asked, the anger evident in his voice. He had been looking for his Lizzie for years and hadn't found her. 

That witch has hidden her well. He thought to himself. 

It hurt him, that he might never get to see his princess grow up. 

He didn't know, that it would take him eleven years to find his Lizzie. And maybe, she didn't want to be found. 


"Mom?" An older Isabelle walked into her house.

"Isabelle?" It was three-fifteen and Alexis was already drunk.

"I got all As!" Isabelle had stayed up, sometimes until one in the morning, studying to please her mother.

"That's great," Isabelle felt a strange sense of happiness. Until she saw the man walk in behind her mother. 

"No... no, mom, not again. Please, no,"  Alexis smiled. 

"Are you afraid of me, darling?" The man asked, not keeping the sinister smile off his face. 

Isabelle had no choice but to run. To run from her mother, and the horrors she would encounter if she stayed in that house any longer. She knew she would eventually have to return to her mother; the longest she had ever been away from her was four days. 


This chapter was hard to write, for two reasons; one, the situations Izzy is in, just hurt me. Two, it was hard to write little Izzy, then Atlas, then older Izzy. 


The Life and Lies of Isabelle BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz