Part 3 Chapter 9b

Start from the beginning

But, suddenly, Zach wasn't sure. What if she did cheat on him? What if she slept with Montgomery?

Anger built inside him thinking of the two of them in an intimate, sexual situation.

He recalled the night she went to Scott's party. Scott kissed her on the cheek, and she did nothing to stop him. If Montgomery tried kissing her, would she be just as passive? Would she even tell him no?

Homecoming night. When his football future was ruined. Did Ophelia ruin their future the same night?

"Where the fuck is Montgomery?" Zach seethed.

Justin looked towards the field, squinting. "I-I don't know. He's not out there."

Zach spat, "Why the fuck would Ophelia say that? She knows how fucking-"

Zach stopped, and let out a loud angry yell. She knew how much Montgomery got to him. Even if she was lying, he would still be fucking angry at her for making him think something like that.

"I honestly have no fucking idea," Justin admitted.

Justin was worried. Ophelia was nervous, but willing to tell Zach she was pregnant. Whatever Montgomery said to her must have scared her.

He wondered, suddenly, if it had something to do with what they had been arguing about the day she fainted. Justin realized he hadn't even thought back to that conversation. Clay was sure Montgomery did something to Ophelia.

Justin cringed. Maybe she had been hurt in some way after all.

"Tell me what's up with her then? What do you know?"

"I..." Justin was at a loss for words. "I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

Zach scoffed. "Fuck you, Justin!"

Zach turned back to the locker room. Scared he was going to find Montgomery, Justin tried to grab onto him. "Wait-"

Zach turned around and hit him with his crutch, pushing him off.

His shove hurt Justin. It put pain in his shoulders.

"You tell me what happened, or you stay the fuck away from me!"

Just had never seen sweet Zach Dempsey so angry before. But Zach had never been so heartbroken before.

"Where are you going?" Justin demanded to know.

"I'm getting my keys, and I'm going to Ophelia's house to find out what the fuck is going on."

"She's not gonna let you in," Justin said. "Her crazy ass mom won't either."

Zach turned back so abruptly Justin flinched.

"You better fucking swear to me now that you have no idea what the fuck she was talking about," Zach seethed. "Tell me you didn't know Ophelia fucking-" Zach stopped himself. He didn't want to keep thinking about it. It drove him insane.

"I had no idea," Justin told him, honestly. He added, "And I don't even think it's true."

But Zach couldn't think rationally in that moment. He was too heartbroken to.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now