Blush (A Gumlee fanfiction)

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~Gumball's POV~

"Thanks Pepper"

"No problem sweetie. Even though your old enough to drive, I wanted to drop you off at school. See you at home Bonnibeau"

"Mooomm" and with that she drove off. I turned on my heels and sighed looking at school in awe. The school looks really good, really better than last year. It looks like a freaking mansion with millions and millions of rooms waiting to be discovered. 'This is going to be a one long year' I thought to myself.

It was my first day back at The Land of Aaa Academy. And all my friends were there. Fionna and her sis Cake, Finn and Jake, Fawn (flame princess), this guy named Red (flame prince), my best friend Mono, LSP, Yoami (Lady), Marceline, my sis Bonnie.

Bonnie got here early to meet up with Marceline, so they can walk around the school or something. I don't know what's been up with those two, but I shouldn't worry about it to much. Plus it's none of my business. I walked in the school in awe. It looks so great. I snapped out of my gaze.

I walked over to the table with brochures and information and Mr. Petrikov, our principle.

"Is that my favorite student Bonnibeau Gumball?" She stared at me for a moment with wide eyes.

"Eeee! Gumball it's nice to have you back" she quickly reach across the table and gave me a big bear hug.

"Nice to see you to" I pulled away and gave her a toothy grin. She handed me my information I needed for the school year - (including my textbooks, combination number, and locker number which was a hassle to carry)- and we exchanged our goodbyes.

"Well I'll see you l-later Mrs. Petrikov" I struggled trying to carry my textbooks.

"See you later Gumball..... Oh do need any help sweetie?"

"No-o I don't thank you" I walked away without a word after that. I stopped near some lockers. With my textbooks in hand I lifted up a knee and rested the books on my limb, while standing on one foot and grabbed my locker number.... 409.

"Ok I'm near I'm at 399"
I started walking looking at the locker numbers not looking what's in front of me.

Ok lets see

400...401..402...403...404..405...406...407..408... BAM!

I crashed into someone. Thank Glob nobody's here yet. (R.I.P Glob )

"Hey watch where your going!" I dusted my clothes off and noticed two bunny ears.

"Hey is that how you greet your best friend"

"FIONNA!" I leaped towards her direction and gave her a warm hug.

"Need any help Gummy?" She said awkwardly. I guess I was hugging to long.

"S-sure Fionna"

Its kinda awkward when me and Fionna are alone. Our break up wasn't dramatic and it wasn't bad. It was just bad timing to go out. Plus the real reason we broke was because I told her I was hella gay. But I think she still likes me.
She handed me the books that were on the ground.
"So how have you been?" I asked not making it seem awkard.

"Well you know......... stuff" She said blushing.

"Well like what? There's got to be something"

"Gumball is it my fault that your gay?! Was I not good enough and you just started liking guys" she said in a somewhat of a yell. I sighed before I responded.

"Look Fiona, I know you still like me but you need to move on. And I think this is the perfect opportunity, time and place to tell you this. I understand your still kind of heartbroken by it but it's over. And no its not your fault that I'm gay. I've been like this for quite awhile now. And the reason I went out with you is because I was so afraid that what people may think of me. Don't get me wrong, your a fun person to be around and your an awesome friend and that's all I can see you

Blush A Gumlee Fanfiction (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now