well that was something

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it's 8:30 in the morning. Phone is ringing.. Who is bothering him at 8.30 in the morning?

Kylian : Bonjour? 

Lauren: Bonjour!

OH fuck, he knew that voice.

Lauren : Um its Lauren, from yesterday. Miss Serewie gave me your number..

Kylian : Maya?

Lauren : Um yes, Maya, she told me that we're supposed to go to this event together in front of the paparazzi. I guess we're really going all in with this fake dating thing, huh?

Kylian: Mhm. I guess they need someone like you to boost my status even higher.

He is being sarcastic towards her.

Lauren: Seriously? Is that how you see me? Just some tool to make you look good? I thought we could at least be civil to each other.

You can hear from his voice he just woke up and wasn't thinking in english. She, on the other hand was preparing breakfast and coffe and serving it to balcony with awesome view of nothing. Paris is expencive, okay?

Kylian: I'm civil.

Lauren: Wow, I didn't expect you to be this egotistical. You know, there's more to life than just fame and popularity. Maybe you should try being a decent human being.

Kylian:  I'm just doing what I have to do to stay on top. If that means putting up with you and this ridiculous publicity stunt, so be it.

Lauren: Fine. If that's how you want to play it, I'll do my part and make this fake relationship look believable. But don't think for a second that I'm doing this for you. I have my own career to think about too.

Kylian:  The sooner we're done, the better.

Lauren: Agreed. Let's not make this any more painful than it already is. We'll put on a show for the cameras, and then we can both go our separate ways.

Kylian: And don't come looking like slut.

He finished call.

What did he say? Lauren almost spit out her coffee. Maybe she heard him wrong. No, she didn't, she heard him right. 

Let him fuck off, she'll dress the way she wants.

The night of the event had finally arrived, and Kylian and Lauren found themselves outside his house, looking absolutely stunning. Lauren rocked a black dress, and Kylian was in a black suit. The paparazzi's camera flashes added an extra layer of excitement to the atmosphere.

As Kylian's fancy ride pulled up, he motioned for Lauren to get in first. Annoyance lingered on his face as he turned to her. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The nice looking man in his sixtys in car turned behind and said " Bonsoir. Vous êtes prêts à partir ? " Kylian looked at him frustrated  "Oui, on est prêts. Allez-y."

Lauren whispered to Kylian "Does he only speak French? This is gonna be a struggle if I can't understand anything."

"Yeah, he only speaks French. Lucky me, right? I'll have to play translator for you." said Kylian, rolled his eyes, grabbed his phone and went on instagram to send Allison a message.

Ugh, great. Just great. Another thing to make this whole situation even more fun, tought Lauren to herself.

Finally, after what felt like ages, they arrived at the event venue. The entrance sparkled with lights, and the buzz of excited chatter filled the air. Cameras flashed, and journalists clamored for their attention. "Kylian, over here! Look this way!"

"Kylian, who's the lucky lady by your side?" 

Kylian, sporting a forced smile, turned to Lauren and motioned towards the photographers.

"Smile and wave"

Lauren made a perfect smile, trying to ignore the chaotic energy around her. They walked together, striking poses for the cameras, their bodies tense but their façade flawless.

As they stepped inside the venue, the paparazzi's noise faded into the background. The luxurious setting engulfed them, with elegant decorations and dazzling lights setting the stage for a night of opulence." You know, despite all the drama and frustration, we clean up pretty well." He didn't look at her, but at big crowd.

Kylian's friends, Antoine and Lucas, spotted him from afar and hurried over to greet him. With a beaming smile, Kylian embraced his friends.

"Kylian, my man! Looking sharp tonight!" said Antoine "You clean up nicely, bro. And who's this lovely lady by your side?" Kylian placed his arm around Lauren's, pulling her slightly closer.

"Guys, allow me to introduce you to Lauren. She's my chosen one for the night. Lauren, this is Antoine and Lucas, my closest friends." Lauren smiled politely, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She extended her hand to shake theirs. "Nice to meet you both. Kylian has been telling me so much about you."

"Pleasure to meet you too, Lauren. Kylian's been keeping you a secret from us, huh? He usually never shuts up about anything, so this is a surprise!" Lucas punched Kylians arm. He chuckled, slightly embarrassed by his friends' teasing.

"Well, I wanted to make it special. Lauren's been a great companion tonight, and I'm lucky to have her by my side."

"Well, you've certainly made an impression, my friend. She's stunning!" Antoine pointed at Lauren "I guess the dinner won't be the only tasty thing for you tonight". 

Akward 5 seconds of silence.

"Come on, let's head inside. We have a long night ahead of us." Kylian was embaressed, but he knew it was only how they do it between one-another. He just didn't want Lauren to think low on him.

As they entered the event venue, the atmosphere shifted to one of glamour and grandeur. The room was adorned with sparkling lights and decorations, and the sound of lively conversations filled the air. Kylian and Lauren mingled with the crowd, their hands occasionally brushing against each other's as they navigated the sea of people.

Throughout the night, Kylian introduced Lauren to various people and fellow celebrities, proudly referring to her as his chosen one. While the concept of their fake relationship lingered in the back of their minds, in that moment, they played their roles with grace and charm.

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