The Quidditch Match

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The next morning I got up at 5:30 and decided to take a warm shower. When breakfast time came around, I sat down at the Slytherin table next to Pansy. She was making eye contact with Draco again. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. She noticed and gave me a rude glare. I looked at draco, then back at her, trying to say, I know you like him with my eyes. I think she understood because she crossed her arms and looked away

When breakfast passed I went to the Quidditch pitch and saw the rest of the Slytherin team waiting for me.

"About time you showed up!" Marcus Flint (the Slytherin quidditch captain) said.

"Sorry, I am a slow eater..." I said trying to find an excuse for the fact that I almost forgot the match was today...

"Yeah no kidding... okay everyone, we're gonna destroy Gryffindor today!"

We all walked onto the quidditch pitch, and the Slytherin team roared. I looked into the croud and saw a woman with dark curly hair. I stopped dead in my tracks, and the person walking behind me bumped into me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Said Crabbe.

"Uhh, n-nothing" I stuttered, and kept walking. When we got to the middle of the field, we mounted our brooms and stared at the Gryffindor team. It was kind of weird because I was friends with lots of Gryffindors, and now I'm playing a match against them. I looked at Fred and George and mouthed "You're going down Weasleys." They both looked at each other and mouthed back "You wish." And smirked.

Then, Madam Hooch yelled "Brooms up!" And everyone flew upwards. I flew up to the hoops and watched the quaffle carefully. Angelina Johnson was flying with it in her hands. She tried throwing it into the hoop on the far right. It was a good throw. It was fast, but just as it was about to go in I caught it, and threw it back. The Slytherins cheered in the stands. I looked in the stands and remembered how I saw Bellatrix in the crowd. I squinted, looking carefully at each person, not paying attention to the game. "Where is she?!" I thought. I kept looking in the crowd when I felt a woosh go past me. "10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan shouted. The Gryffindors in the stands cheered.

"Shit" I thought to myself "Keep your head in the game..."

After about an hour, both teams were tied with 130 points. Everyone was still flying up and down very fast. I kept wanting to look into the crowd to look for her, but I didn't want to disappoint my team. "I'm sure just a quick look won't be too bad.." I started scanning the stands. I looked and looked and suddenly, I saw her. How was she here?? I thought she was in Azkaban... but there she was, in the stands... maybe I'm going crazy and it's my imagination.. Wait, she's standing next to Hermione?!

"AAAHHH HELP" I heard someone scream. It was Malfoy. He was hit off his broom by the bludger! "Fred!" I thought to myself. I looked over at him and he had a triumphant look on his face and he was looking at George. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and everyone flew down to where Malfoy was. Hagrid was looking down at him and picked him up. He was holding on to his leg. It was broken. He kept mumbling "my father will here about this.." Mcgonagall had come down and was talking to Fred and George. I watched them talk, and when she walked away, I walked over to them

"What were you thinking Weasley?!"

"It was his fault, he was in the way of the bludger that I happened to hit" Fred said sarcastically. We all talked and laughed for a bit when I remembered bellatrix.

"I have to go" I said while George was in the middle of a sentence.

"Oh, uhh ok, suit yourself?" George said while looking at Fred with a confused look.

I ran over to Hermione to ask about how she didn't see her.

"Mione!" I yelled.

"Hi, that was a great game! Well it was until Fred did that-"

"Who was standing next to you! I-it looked exactly like her!" I interrupted

"Like who?"

"Bellatrix. Bellatrix Lestrange" I said in a whisper

"Umm Delilah... I was standing next to Harry and Ron.. are you doing all right...? I think you are obsessing over this a bit too much."

"H-Harry and Ron?? No, it must have been he- oh... I hear it now... I guess maybe I am obsessing over this. I just can't shake how familiar that name was."

~~~Six thirty~~~

It was only six thirty, but if we were going to make it to head quarters in time, we had to go now. I waited outside the Gryffindor common room for Hermione and Ginny. When they finally came out they looked relieved I was already there.

"We have to go to the Weasleys NOW or we are gonna be late!" Hermione said grabbing both of our arms and walking down the halls at a very fast pace.

She took us to Dumbledores office and whispered "Lemon Drops" to the stone gargoyle guarding his office. When we went in, the rest of the Order was already there.

"Ok great, now that we are all here, it's time to go to headquarters" Kingsley said in a calm voice. "We will be going by broomstick"

Forbidden | Bellatrix LestrangeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang