Silky Green Skirt

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee-

Saturn slammed their hand down on their alarm clock to turn it off, only to regret it a second later.
"Ow ow ow ow! Fuck!" They yell out clutching their now red and alarm-clock-button-thing imprinted hand.
'Dammit, that looked cooler in the movies.' Saturn thought to themself as they trudged out of bed to get ready for school.

Saturn may had mumbled a few curses towards that dumb alarm clock (but you'll never know).

Baby got back started to blare from their phone. Saturn only had that ringtone set for one person. "What's good Ni Ni?" They said as they picked up the phone while simultaneously skimming through their closest in search for something to wear. "I ALMOST GOT PAST THE FINAL BOSS BUT THEN THE GOD FORSAKEN CONTROLLER SLIPPED!" Of course it had something to do with that video game him and Zayn have been obsessing over.

"Oh no what happened?" they says unenthusiastically into the phone before putting it back on their nightstand and going to the closet to pick their outfit of the day.

Saturn could hear Nick ramble on as they went through the seemingly hundreds of shirts. "Ugggh I never have anything to wear," they grumbled to themself. "Saz? Saz you there? Helllooooo!" Saturn went back to the nightstand and picked up the phone. "No way! Did you really?" They said rolling their eyes. They love Niall, and is always excited to hear him ramble, but today was not the day. It was their first day of senior year and Saturn was most definitely not excited at all.

Throwing on some chucks, (which they went out to buy with Niall and as he insisted him, Saturn, and Zayn have "friendship shoes"), and picking up their phone, Saturn headed downstairs. Putting the phone to their ear they listened to Niall rant on, "Saz i swear you better not be late this time. It was so awkward waiting for you. Especially since that big shady guy kept staring at me."

Saturn remembers that day. They had stayed up the night before watching Lanry Stetmas from Only Direction proof videos, but their friends didn't need to know that. If they did they would tease them endlessly.

Hoping in their old run down car, Saturn started the journey to school.

———— • ————

"AHHH! For gods sake Niall!" Saturn clutches their chest as it raises and falls rapidly from the scare Niall just gave them. He had popped out from behind the corner of the locker, a thing he had often done for the other three years of them going to this school. How he got there before them when he doesn't own a car or take the bus is beyond them.

"Hahahaha!" The blondes laughter rings throughout the halls of Scottbrine Highschool. Saturn tried not to laugh, they really did but Nialls laugh is contagious. Pursing their lips at an attempt not to not let Niall know that what he did was mildly amusing, Saturn finishes putting their things away and starts their trek to the office.

When Saturn had arrived to school they were told by a fellow student that they were needed by a teacher and the principal at the office.

Niall insist on going with the moody teen but is eventually dragged away by Zayn, who comes to Saturn's rescue.

———— • ————

Saturn sighs as they push open the doors to the office. They are tired and really want to just sleep till the year 4025.

Saturn is told by the receptionist to go in once they walk up to the desk. 'Why would the Principal and Mr. Simmings wanna see me?' They thought to themselves as they made their way over to the big oak wood door to the principal's closed off office.

Once inside, Saturn's eyes instantly go to the young lad sitting in one of the plush leather chairs in front of the principal and Simmings. He is clad in an oversized brown knit sweater, and a silky green skirt. He has white socks with a ruffle at the top along with a pair of chunky Mary Jane shoes. Saturn gulps, nerves taking over when the boy turns and his blue eyes, sparkling with innocence looks up at them. Shit, this is NOT going to end well.


Ahhh only 676 words but the chapters will (hopefully) get longer!! This is my first time ever writing something like this so be nice.

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