Chapter 1

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17 year old Jade Pent woke up to the sound of a rooster's caw. She lived on a farm and woke up like this everyday. She lives on Skywind Equestrian farm in California. Jade loved horses. Even when she wasn't riding them she still loved being around them. Of course riding them was her favorite thing to do, her long brown hair whipping through the wind as she dashed over the field. She uncovered herself and walked to the window. The warm glow of the sun brushed her face, she had a good feeling about today. She threw on a light, button up flannel and dark shorts, combed her long auburn hair, and grabbed her boots and ran outside to the barn.
"Good morning, Starshine." Jade said to a white mare as she walked in the barn corridor. Seven more faces appeared and answered with friendly nickers. Jade walked to a nearby stall with a bucket of feed in one hand and a brush in the other. "Wisp, breakfast." She called opening the stall door. A black horse with a strange white marking on its forehead emerged from the dark stall. He had never liked the light. He'd much rather stay in the darkness and watch his marking glow. Jade brushed Wisp while he ate and did the same with the eight other horses.

As she opened the door to her house Jade's mother came down the stairs dressed in a white blouse and tan jodhpurs. "Ah, Jade." She said as she hugged her. "I was just going down to the barn to get you. I know you like to get a jumpstart on your day."
"Yep, are you gonna go practice with Chestnut." Jade asked.
"Yes, our routine needs work but we'll get it in time for the show next month." Jade's mom said while getting two bowls from the kitchen. "Cereal okay?"
"Fine." Jade replied. She walked to the fridge and got the milk and set it on the table. When she passed the window she saw someone, a guy, walk pass her house. "Um, I am going to go get the mail." She said and walked out the door. When she shut it she picked up a sprint.
"Dylan, Dylan! Wait up!"
"Hey, Jade! Whatcha up to?" He asked. He had blonde hair and greenish-brown eyes and was wearing a leather jacket.
"Not much just grabbing the mail." Jade said as she began to walk with him. "What are you up to?"
"Oh, you know, just getting some more tools to fix my bike so I can take you for a ride tomorrow." He replied.
"Me?" Jade said in astonishment. "That sounds so cool!"
"Great." Dylan replied with a smile.
"My mom isn't gonna like this at all. you know how she is." Jade tried to picture herself on the back of a slick black motorcycle, hair blowing in the wind. It was a great picture. "So when will you pick me up?"
"Tomorrow, at five A.M.." Dylan replied.
"Good, my mom should still be sleeping." Jade said.
"Well, see you tomorrow." Jade said.
"Five A.M. sharp." He said with a wink.
Jade decided to run back to the house. She grabbed the mail on her way in.

"When she opened the door her mom asked, "Where have you been?"
"I, um, met up with a friend." She said.
"I don't get why you like hanging out that boy." Her mom said.
"Dylan?" Jade asked.
"Yes, he seems like trouble." Jade's mom said.
"How? So he has a motorcycle big deal!" Jade said in frustration.
"But you know how I feel about motorcycles." Her mom said sharply.
Ever since Jade's dad died in a motorcycle accident her mom has hated motorcycles and every one who had one.
Jade turned in a huff and walked to her room. Ten second later her mom yelled, "Jade you got mail."
"Great." She thought as she slumped down the stairs.
"Here you go." Jade's mom said handing her the letter.
Jade's eyes rounded with wonder as she grasped the shiny silver letter.
"Wow!" She turned the letter to the front and read the address aloud: "Her Majesty: Jadice Pentonium of Dragoria. 1756 Equestrian Road Alburtis, Pennsylvania, planet: Earth."
"What the heck?"
"That's strange. Open it."
Jade told her mom that she wanted to go up to her room and open it in privacy. There she opened the silver letter and read the silver paper inside:
Her Majesty, Jadice Pentonium, The royal council is pleased to inform you that the time has come for Your Majesty to return to Dragoria. We shall send you a carriage in twelve days time to the usual spot. Be sure to find your dragosaddle before this date as you will be needing it once more. There is a note that will tell you the location of the special carriage spot if you have forgotten. I doubt you will have trouble getting home.
Best of Luck in you travels,


On the bottom of the page were three strange symbols.
^^^ [] ~~~
Jade had no clue what the symbols meant but she had a friend who loved studying symbols and old languages.

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