Yep, I'm definitely addicted.

I hummed a yes while returning her smile, "Let's just say we may be in the sky, but you're the reason why I'm on a cloud right now."


After we cleaned ourselves and everything else back up, we got dressed and spent the rest of the flight cuddled up in each other's arms, Bey in her favorite spot on top of me with her head on my chest as we slept. When we woke up a few hours later it was dark outside, so we knew the plane was about to land soon, which meant I was going to have to face Chad again soon. If I could, I would stay back here forever if it meant I didn't have to go back out there and hear his mouth. I was so embarrassed for him, hearing him talk himself up the way he did, talking both of our ears off, I couldn't take it anymore. And it was just like him, knowing that things were officially done between us that he picked right back up with the church talk without a care in the world. He was working hard as hell to keep this façade going to make Bey think we were the picture-perfect Pastor and First Lady.

It made me sick.

I knew being on a plane with the both of them was going to be awkward to say the least but he made it awkward and unbearable, and now that Bey knows what he did I know it's going to be even more uncomfortable.

I know I calmed Bey down, but who's to say that rage towards Chad won't come back the moment she sees him? And what will happen once we land? I know the last thing I want to do is be around him, I just hope he does what I ask and leave when we return to LA so I can be free from him once and for all.

I thought about all of these things while I absentmindedly massaged Bey's scalp. We just wanted to hold each other some more and enjoy this time alone together for as long as we could before we went back out there. Besides, the less time these two are in the same room together, the better for me.

Bey sighed pleasurably as she sat up, straddling me. She leaned down and softly kissed my lips a few times. "I guess it's time for us to go back out there, the plane will be landing soon," she said against my lips as she kissed me a few more times.

I pouted, "But I don't want to," I whined, "Can't we just stay here until the plane lands? Besides, I hate being in the same room with you and not being able to touch you, or kiss you, or talk to you like you're my best friend. That's not fair, or fun," I said with a pout.

Bey mirrored my facial expression, "Awww, I know Baby, but it won't be for too long, and once we land we'll say our goodbyes, and then you and I can go home where you'll be able to do all of that and more," she explained with a smile.

I gave her a funny look making her chuckle, "You didn't actually think I was going to let you leave with him, did you?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

I gave her a 'well, duh' look, "Oh no my Love, I refuse to leave you alone with him for another second, Hell, he's lucky I didn't kick him off this plane while we're still airborne, otherwise he would've been fish food in the Atlantic ocean hours ago," she said becoming angry all over again.

I sighed as I sat up. See, this is what I was worried about, she's already getting worked up and we haven't even left the room yet. I rubbed her thighs in soothing circles to calm her back down, "HoneyBey, calm down ok baby. I know you're angry and you have every right to be but I need you to nix that anger for me, ok? I don't like it when you're angry," I said that last part softly as I looked down.

I know she really didn't mean to hurt me and I know that she never would intentionally hurt me, it's just not in her character, but I also never expected Chad to put his hands on me either. I wouldn't dare compare the two because there is no comparison, but for right now, I'm not taking quite well to anger. I can't help but to see that ugly, monstrous glare on Chad's face when he grabbed me. I know in time I'll get past it but right now it's still really fresh.

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