CHAPTER 2 - The Town

Start from the beginning

A man is escorted through the streets of the town, bound and kicked to speed up by Grayson and Thomas.

"Please, you must understand. I have nothing." The man pleaded, his eyes displayed signs of fear and .

"Then nothing of value will be lost." Thomas replied. "Larry, you stole minerals, you know how things are done around here."

The two gang members escort him to a raised platform, with a closed hatch and a sinister sling of rope hanging overhead. Some other people who are on break from the gold mines could only watch in solemn sadness as the thief was led up the stairs of the gallows. Eugene was already waiting beside the lever to the hatch, smoking a cigar and leaning against one of the poles supporting the nooses.

"Grayson, tie this man up will you?" He urges, taking another puff of his cigar.

The mute gang member nodded, wrapping the hangman's knot around his neck. Tightening it as Thomas looked around for anyone seeking to attempt and rescue the condemned man.

"Any last words?" Asked Thomas, a sadistic smile creeped it's way across his face.

The man stayed silent, Eugene shrugged as he reached for the lever.

"Nothing but a bunch'a cowards with guns." He quickly said out loud, as the gang's leader released the trapdoor. The man fell right through, but the drop wasn't enough to completely snap his neck. The three gunmen began to hear violent choking noises coming from the opening in the wooden floor.

Thomas began to head down the stairs, but was stopped by Grayson. He shook his head slowly at him.

"No mercy for thieves." Eugene said, dropping his finished cigar onto the floor. Snuffing it out with his boot. "All this hanging of rats is making me thirsty."

He headed down the wooden steps along with his fellow gunmen, behind them the thief was left to choke on his own blood as he was slowly suffocating to death.

"We should really build that thing higher, Gene." Mike, who was watching from further away. Leaning against a parlour.

"Time's a precious thing. Best not to waste it." Eugene said, with a slight chuckle at the irony of his statement. "Where's Hugh?"

"Guarding the armory near your office, as usual." Thomas replied.

"Good." The leader nodded, his eyes fell onto the town's bar. An old one which was recently renovated. Awaiting them was a girl, dressed in a bartender's outfit. Wiping a cup with a dirty rag, hair tied in a french bun. Her green eyes focused on them as they sat right at the countertop. Eugene and Grayson both looked eager for their drinks, Thomas tapped his fingers on the hardwood impatiently as Mike lit one of his cigars the gang's newfound wealth bought them.

"Mornin' boys. What'll it be today?" She asked.

"The usual. I'll have brandy, Grayson and Thomas will have vodka, Mike will have root beer." Eugene placed a small gold nugget on the countertop. The barista took it and quickly dispensed the ordered drinks with a bright smile on her face. All eight thirsty eyes of the gunmen were on her as she turned around and placed their beverages gently onto the table.

"All for you, gentlemen." The girl proudly said. Eugene smiled back. "You know the procedure, bartender."

She nodded accordingly, taking a sip out of all four cups. Nothing happened after a few moments. After that, the gunslingers all relished in their drinks. The barista poured herself a cup of root beer, not wanting to end up drunk in the presence of four of the five men holding her town hostage. Not to mention some of the mine guards they hired for guarding the workers, some were even former townsfolk holding their own at gunpoint.

Gold, Guns and Death in the West - A Wild West StoryWhere stories live. Discover now