Back To Hogwarts

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Remus and I talked about it a lot and we decided that I should go. I was a bit upset to not being a ale to see Faith grow up but I talked with Dumbledore and he said they could fly powder when we they wanted to see me for a bit. And I had a free access to the Forbidden Forest whenever I needed it.

"I'm gonna miss you mummy" Faith said "I'm going to miss you too baby but daddy's here and you can always visit and write" I tell her she kisses much cheek. I put her down and go coed to my crying husband "You know our three year isn't crying about me leaving" I tell him he just pulls me into a hug "Your leaving me. They left me" he cried my heart broke "I'm not leaving forever. You can always come and visit and one fulls moons come to Hogwarts. Professor Flickwhit surprise really like Faith. Ima ire he'd watch her for the night well we go out just like old times. Remember that" I say he smiles nodding. I give him a kiss good bye "I love you" I say "I love you too" hi gives me one last hug and take my bags and go to igwarts by flu powder.

I ended up in Dumbeldore's office "Sit I'm so sorry" I sat brushing myself off "Oh dear it's fine" he says. He magic's my bags to my office/bedroom in Ravenclaw tower. "Here's the schedule and student list for your classes. I have you helping with first year position" he tells me. I nod not even looking at the teacher I would be helping and just assuming it was still Slughorn. "Well you should get going and get situated". I ask dumbledore about letting Remus and Faith come to Hogwarts for the nights of the full moon and he wa shally to oblige and wa sure Flickwhit would be fine with it. I begging my way to my chamber to talk with Flickwhit when I saw a finalize set of green robes. "Professor Mcgnagall" I say getting her station. She turned around and smiles "Oh Anika Course. It's lovely to see you" she hugs me "Actually it's Anika Lupin" I show her the ring "That wonderful" she says inspecting it "We even have ourselves a little wolf" I say "What they're name" "Faith Lupin" I smile. "I'm sure she's lovely" she smiled warmly "I should get going" I give her one last hug and make my way. I talked with Flickwhit and he was happy to watch Faith. He really does like her. Over the years he'd come over and make sure we were good. I was in my office looking over the curriculum I would be teaching when there was a n in con at the door "Come in" I say not looking up "I was told I'd find my teaching assistant here" I deep monotone voice said I looked up  and saw "Severus Snape" I was shocked "Anika Course" he says bitterly "Anika Lupin" I snip "Married to the last Marauder" he says sly "How in merlins names are you a teacher there" I ask "Dumbeldore thought I'd make a great professor" he crosses his arms "Let me guess still not married" I ask "No I don't need to waste my time on that" he tells me. I just roll my eyes "I'll be requesting a new assistant" he says walking out the door "Fine by me." I cross my arms sitting back down. I couldn't believe Sev was a teacher here. I would be lying if I said a didn't miss him. I'm sure it hurt so so much when Lily died even if they weren't friends. After getting a couple things sorted I headed towards the hall to get a bit of dinner. When I entered Dumbledore was having a chat with Sev. "I believe it would be good for you two to work together. And that final" Dumbledore ends the conversation I sigh knowing we're not getting out of this one and continue my way to my seat next to Mcgnagall and Hooch. "Anika it's so good to see you" Madam Hooch told me I only did one year of quidditch and realized it's not for me. "You as well Madam" I smile "You do realize we work together you don't have to address us as Profrssor and Madam. Call me Rolanda" she told me I nodded. I had a lovely conversation with her and then head back to my chambers. I already missed Faiths nod Remus so much but this was a good place for me to be.

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