Dishwasher X Person fanfic

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"It feels like you don't even try anymore!" Barbara cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"At least the Washing Machine acts like the cares about me!" Dishwasher stood in front of her, motionless.

The rain poured down above them, and in the distance, thunder rolled. "I just, I wish that you could feel the same way about me as I do about you." Barbara said, voice quivering.

"I put dishes in you, and you would clean them. That's what you promised me...b-but now, I go to get a spoon, and its covered in grime!" She choked out her words now, sobs escaping her throat.

"Please, Dishwasher, say something! Why do you do this to me?!"
But the dishwasher could not say anything, because he was a dishwasher. It whirred in response.

"Frigidaire T. Dishwasher, I can't handle this anymore. If you want to act so cold and apathetic, I can always leave you for the Washing Machine. At least he does HIS JOB!"

The dishwasher was still and silent, as most dishwashers tend to be. But, just as Barbara sniffed and turned to leave, the dishwasher beeped and shook. Barbara looked at it, "Dishwasher, what's happening to you?!" She asked, distressed.

The dishwasher rumbled and finally, made the end cycle noise and opened its door. Steam rolled out, making it hard to see into. The rack on the inside was pushed out. Once the steam was gone, Barbara peered down at what appeared to be a singular dish inside.

A plate was sat in the middle of the rack. Out of curiosity, Barbara looked closer and saw a stain in the center of the plate. Upon closer observation though, she saw that the stain was in a heart shape. Barbara gasped. Dishwasher beeped quietly.

"Oh Dishwasher, I knew you still loved me!" She cried. Running back to it, she pulled the dishwasher into a hug. Or at least tried to. It didn't work, considering that this was indeed, a dishwasher. But, nevertheless, with their love rekindled, Frigidaire T. Dishwasher and Barbara lived out the rest of their lives as a happy couple.

The End
(This is the greatest thing I've ever wrote)

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