Episode 6: Trouble for James

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Edward is one of oldest engines on Sodor. He's usually a back engine, and shunts trucks in the yard.
One early morning, Thomas was shunting Edward to the Steamworks. He had broken down.
"Don't worry, Edward!" said Thomas. "Victor will have you fixed in no time!"
Edward smiled. "Thank you, Thomas."
Sir Topham Hatt was there.
"Sir," said Edward, "who will do my jobs while I'm being repaired?"
"There are no available engines, so I'll pick James to do it."
And he got in his car to find James.
"Now, there's going to be more trouble." sighed Thomas.
"James won't like this at all." agreed Edward.
Thomas and Edward were right. When James had heard, he was doing Edward's job, he was cross.
"Why was I chosen to fill in for Edward?" he sulked furiously. "Why couldn't it have been Thomas, Percy, Toby or Henry? They won't mind at all! Not like a splendid red engine like me!"
James was so busy grumbling, he wasn't watching what he was doing. He bumped some troublesome trucks in the yard hard.
"Ohhhh!!" moaned the trucks. They thought James bumped them rough on purpose, so they decided to pay him back.
James began to shunt trucks for Percy when the trucks began to bump into James.
"On! On! On!" they giggled.
"Stop that!" hissed James. He was not in the mood.

Later, James was in a bad mood when he went to get water from the water tower. Then the yard manager came in.
"You must shunt Gordon's Express coaches and bring them to him at Knapford Station."
"Yes, sir." said James.
James got four Express coaches and brought them the Knapford.
"This should be me taking the Express!" he grumbled.
James arrived at Knapford. Gordon was waiting for his train on Platform 1. The conductor coupled Gordon to them train. The passengers climbed in.
(Lady Hatt, Stephen & Bridget Hatt, The Bird Watcher can be seen)
After the passengers climbed aboard the train, the conductor closed the doors and was about to uncouple James from the train, until teh stationmaster came to see him.
"Sir Topham Hatt wants to see you in his office, immediately."
The conductor followed the stationmaster. He was so busy, he forgot to uncouple to James.
"Wait, come back!" cried James. "You didn't uncouple me!"
But it was too late.
"Oh, no!" wailed James. "Gordon, stop!"
But Gordon didn't hear James. he blew his whistle. And began to leave the station. James braced himself.

Gordon started going faster.
"Express coming through!!!" he boasted. "I am a very fast engine!"
He wheels spun faster and faster. Too fast for James.
"Whoaaa!!!!!" he yelled.
He wheels spun. He tried to stop, but he wasnt able to.
"Help! Help!" he yelled.

Meanwhile, Thomas an Percy were waiting at a signal. They were taking some stone to Blue Mountain Quarry.
"Why's the signal red?" asked Thomas.
"Maybe an important train is coming through." squeaked Percy.
Percy was right. Gordon was coming through. As Gordon passed Thomas and Percy, he zoomed by fast.
"Aaaaaugh!!!" cried James.
"Wait." said Percy. "Was that James coupled to the train?"
Thomas looked. "It was! What's he doing coupled to the Express?"
"Maybe he got tricked, like you did, Thomas!" giggled Percy.
Thomas didn't think that was funny at all. He still remembers the time where he got tricked by Gordon.
Gordon raced up his hill and down in no time.
Poor James' wheels were tiring him.
"I'll never complain about doing odd jobs again!"
Then he had in idea. He saw a signal tower up ahead.
He whistled to the signalman. The signalman saw James was in trouble.
He switched the line and sent Gordon to a siding.
Gordon was cross. "Why am I on a siding?! I'm going to be late! My passengers will be cross!"
(The Bird Watcher gets out and looks for birds)
"Looks you've got a stowaway, Gordon." said his driver looking at James.
Gordon gasped. "James! What on earth are you doing there?"
Just then, Emily came with Sir Topham Hatt and the conductor.
Sir Topham Hatt was cross. "James." he said sternly. "You caused confusion and delay. You were supposed to go back to the shunting yards after you brought Gordon his coaches."
"I'm sorry, Sir." said James. "When I brought the coaches, the conducor didn't uncouple me from the train. And Gordon left too quickly."
"Oh....my." Sir Topham Hatt said.
The conductor uncoupled James.
"I'll find another engine to work in the yards. Go get some rest, James. You've had quite a rude. Carry on, Gordon."
(The Bird Watcher climbs back in)

James was tired. He didn't have the energy to puff back to Tidmouth Sheds. So Duck took him back.

The next morning, Sir Topham Hart wanted to make it up to James. So he went to see him at Tidmouth Sheds.
"Edward is back at the shining yard and Gordon has to take some visitors to the Mainland and can't pull the Express. Would you like to take it?"
James beaned. "Oh, yes, sir! Please, sir!" he whistled excitedly.
So, James went to Knapford Station to collect his train. When he left, people were waving and cheering.
James blew his whistle. "Thank you!"
He loved to pull the Express it was his favorite job.

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