Chapter 9

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After school~

"okay so you guys wanted to talk?"Goshiki said walking up to them with the others."Yeah"Koganegawa said "You guys are really slow on finding out we're talking yanderes" Shirabu said "How long did it take us?" Semi asked "Hmm about 5-6 months"Kawanishi said "Wow really..?"Ushijima sounded surprised "Yeah we have killed over 30 people"Tendo said.  The third years stood there wondering why he had to tell them that "But we know you guys don't like us so we'll be on our way to practice"Shirabu said about to leave with the other 3.Then they pushed Ushjima as they wanted him to confess,the second years were confused "Uhhh guys"Ushijima said "Go confess!"Yamgata told him "But-"Ushjima tried to say something "No buts now go!"Koganegawa said "Ugh okay fine!!"Ushijima said.Shirabu was infront of Tendo so when ushijima was walking up to Tendo,Shirabu was in the way so it made Tendo think he was gonna confess to him.Then ushijima shoved him aside,and made his way to Tendo "I like you Tendo please be my boyfriend!"Ushijima told him as he was nervous for his answer,Tendo was thinking on messing with him so he said "No I'm sorry".Ushijima was rethinking his life choices.Everyone else was confused but besides that ushijima heart shattered,"Oh okay then bye"Ushijima said walking back to his Friends.Soon the others caught on of what was happening so the second years started to burst out laughing, "Why are you guys laughing that's rude!"Semi told them "You really think Tendo will say no?!"Shirabu said trying to calm down "What do you mean?"Yamagata asked as the third years were confused "He was just kidding!?"Kawanishi said "I wanted to joke around so I said no but my answer is yes"Tendo told them.Ushijima didn't want to look at him because he was heartbroken even after he heard Tendo said yes."Well we will be leaving now"Koganegawa said as the third years we leaving and patting ushijimas back "Did they not hear what I said?"Tendo was confused "I don't know?"Goshiki said as he was also confused.They were all confused,so they just decide to go to practice now.

During practice,at there water break~

"Did y'all how hear what we said?!"Goshiki told the third years as he was walking up to them "Yes we heard you but Ushijima did not like it!"Koganegawa told him "Well we said we were playing around he can stop now geez"Shirabu said "Yeah now we will be leaving I'm not dealing with this"Ushijima finally said and faced them. Tendo was about to walk up to them to say something but then heard what Ushijima said so he left him alone "He's overreacting does he not know how to take a joke?"Kawanishi said also walking up to them "Look he knows how to take it joke but he thought Tendos answer was a no so he felt heartbroken and he can't face the fact that you guys laughed because he was joking around?!"Yamagata told them.  "and like I said we will be leaving goodbye"Ushijima said as he grabbed his things before someone tapped on his shoulder "Umm I'm sorry I didn't meant to hurt your feelings.."Tendo apologize as ushjima turned to see who it was "it's fine..I guess but I'm leaving"
Ushijima told him as he was walking out the door "Wait-"Tendo tried to say something else "Enough I'm leaving"Ushijima told him as his friends followed him out.Tendo just stood there thinking he fucked up but really the third years were getting them back..

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