(Prologue) A Choice With No Regrets (Part 3)

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- Erwin's (3rd POV) -

Before the Commander went out of the carriage, he asked Erwin, "What are you planning, Erwin?"

"Please don't ask me much. I will do this myself." Was what Erwin responded. "Down a treacherous path, and maybe you won't return." Keith said as he exited the carriage, leaving Erwin.

"Commander." Erwin called out as he was about to get off as well.

"After entering the Regiment and facing Titans, it made me understand how weak humans are." Erwin said as he fully exited the carriage.

"Wealth, strength, and descent. All of it is useless, if the titans pass through that wall, which means we must...

Use all the means to ensure that expedition and our efforts to take this world from the Titans!"

All Commander Saddies did was stare at Erwin with a small hint of surpirse then looked down. As Erwin set foot on the ground, he saluted and left.

'The future of humanity, huh?' The Commander thought.

Erwin walked towards HQ and saw Levi heading his way. Both men kept their gaze at each other as they continued to walk. When they were able to meet, they went passed each other and continued on walking.

- Amaya's POV -

Dad and I were able to head to mom's by sunset and placed some of her favorite flowers and talked about our day. We stayed a bit longer passed sunset before heading back again to HQ. Throughout the horse ride to the grave and back to HQ was a bit quiet except for our occasional talks during the ride. I could tell that dad has a lot in his mind right now, if only I could read minds. The longest topic we've talked about is my promotion on becoming a Squad Captain like what I would expect and the lot.

(Next day)

Today, we were all at the field for training. I stood with Hanji as we watched everyone, and even the recruits, train.

I saw Isabel riding one of the horses as if she already rode horses in her lifetime. I approached her.

"Hey Isabel, I didn't know you can ride horses." I said.

She saw me and smiled.

"Ah, Amaya. Nope I never had any experience but I do have a thing for animals." She responded. I smiled and nodded and left her with horse riding and let's the horse run faster from galloping.

We approached Levi and Flagon as Levi shows off his skills using the 3DMG. He held out his blades but then flipped it from the usual way we hold on to them.

"What are you really thinking about?" Flagon asked as I stopped near Levi holding his blades the other way.

"The blades aren't designed to be held like that." He pointed out. "Do you want to be killed right out of the wall?"

"It just might happen to you." Levi responded. Flagon was taken back on what Levi said. "What did you just say?"

Levi turned his back on Flagon and the others and faced me.

"All I need to do is cut by the necks, right?" He asked me. I paused for a moment then nodded hestitantly. "Yeah." He nodded and prepared to use the gears to begin his training.

"I'll do it my way." Then we went off to begin.

"Has he been given any special training?" Hanji asked.

"No, I don't think so."

"Self-taught and observation." I said. As I looked over to them from my shoulder and they looked at me as if they wanted to ask how I would know when I just met him.

"I knew him from before. Don't worry." I said and continued watching his training.

I heard Hanji starting to giggle unexpectedly.

"Good. Very good." She said. Oh no, here we go.

"The way we all find and kill titans depends on our ways of doing it." She suggested then jogged to where I was and hugged from behind on my shoulders.

"Like yours Amaya, you were able to use your marksmanship while using 3DMG." She said excitingly. I closed my eyes and hummed in agreement then went back to watching Levi.

"Woah, he's fast." I whispered making Hanji hear it since she was still hugging me.

"Weren't you having trouble controlling your speed?" Hanji asked. I looked over at her and nodded.

"Ask him!"


"Ask who?" Levi suddenly appeared.

"No one." I quickly said and glared at Hanji as she laughed and left with Flagon to the other cadets.

"Want me to train you?"

"W-what?" I asked if I heard him correctly.

"Tch, you heard me." He responded as he looked away. I sighed and thought of my answer thoroughly. Thinking hard enough I simply nodded.

"Come on." He lead me through the forest where he did his training... Or showing off his skills and pissing Flagon off.

He taught me how he uses his gear and how to speed up without wasting much of the gas. It took us hours for me to get it right, with constant arguments in between because I couldn't do it right... Slightly.

"Let's go, it's getting late." He said as he looked up to see the sun not there anymore and the moon was slowly becoming visible.

"No, I can do it."


I didn't listen and tried again, this time I was doing it right. The titan dummy that was up earlier was still there and I was able to make a big cut on its nape and sped off again. I turned around and went back to where Levi was, waiting on a tree branch. I landed on the same branch and sat there taking deep breaths.

"Good job."

"Huh?" I looked up to him as he stared out. I just gave him a closed eyes smile as I also stared out the view we get to see. The stars were out and the breeze was cool.

"My mom used to say that people who're special to us, those who died, becomes these stars. The brightest being the one recent or I think the one who promised that that person would always be there for you." I shared to him. He hummed.

We just enjoyed the silence for a longer period then I suggested that we'd better head back now. We got down from the tree and started walking.

"So, why'd you join?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing." He said. I didn't want to push him into saying what were his intentions of joining because it might cause another conflict. I just gave a nod.

The walk was quiet except for the crickets and a few birds passing and trees swaying with the wind.

When we got back to HQ I just told Leo to bring my food to my room cause I needed some rest after an extended training I did.

After my shower and dinner, I immediately laid on my bed and was knocked out. Though I feel at peace, I have this other feeling that something was already happening.

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