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Adagio sat in her test cell, bored and twiddling her thumbs, the only thing that occupied her besides cutting herself with the blade she snuck inside from the outside, and the time that the cute troll came around with her food.

The door soon opens, the troll smiles softly at her. "Hey, Adagio! I snuck you am extra apple..."

"Thank you..." She smiles shyly, blushing a dark teal and looking at him with the happiest eyes he had seen since the last time he visited her.

"So how've you been?"

"Bored... Twiddling my thumbs..." She had her wrists hidden, along with her blade, hidden under a small crack in the flooring that was just barely big enough to hide it.

"Oh... What have they been testing you on?"

"Day medicine... So you stay up longer... I haven't slept since last week... The last one they gave me was too strong..."

"Oh, well the troll in 12B is being tested on breast enlargement... And he's a guy... It sucks... Everything here is bad..."

"I'd rather do that... Then maybe I could sleep... I wonder if we can switch..."

"I could try."

A week passes before she gets what she requested, moved to 12B by two buff security trolls.

"Good luck on the new assignment."

"Yeah... That food guy checks up and sends us recommendations..."

They both leave, and later, Naxxus arrives with her food.

"Hey, you ready for your new test?" He hands her the tray.

She rubs her eyes, the last experiment of day medicine finally wearing off. "Yeah..."

He smiles. "Well, bye... I gotta go take care of the others."

"Bye..." She waves goodbye, eating only a few bites before falling asleep.

After she woke up, she was taken to the testing rooms, where there definitely was some pain. She was returned to her cell and was injected with some sleeping formula, waking up with her food in front of her. Her tests are weekly instead of daily now.

Naxxus walks in slowly. "Hey! How's it going?"

"Better than the day medicine... I get sleep..." She smiles up at him, the dark bags under her eyes noticeably disappearing every day he came back.

"I noticed your tests are weekly..."

"Yeah..." She stands up for the first time that he's seen, only about three inches shorter than him. "I'm finally slept up enough to stand..."

"Whoo! You're going to be moved to a new room soon... They're solving the test."

"Okay..." She sits back down, a bit tired already. She blushes dark and smiles awkwardly, trying to shake off her obviously flushed feelings for him.

He sighs. "Well, I hope you get moved to the higher ranks..."

"Higher ranks..?"

"There are three levels. Mediocre, high, and advanced."

"Are they better than the lower ranks..?"

"Well... You get more things. A tv, another person... And you go outside for three hours daily." He continues, "then the top had a room with a bed, and one single cell meant to hold many trolls..."

"Will you still bring me food? I like talking to you... I will stay in here if it means I can't see you..." She blushes darker, looking a bit concerned.

"Well, I don't know..."

She looks down at her hands, wrists still hidden as much as she can.

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