Part 20

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Jeon Pov
I woke up feeling my little angel next to me. He is so beautiful and cute. We been together for 3 yrs and I want to be with him forever. I love him so much. I'm going to propose to him today. I got up early and I got changed.

I left the room and I already made a plan

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I left the room and I already made a plan. I'm going to take him to the amusement park and on the Ferris wheel at the top i will do it. I will make the person stop the ferris wheel. I'm so excited and nervous. I don't deserve this beautiful angel but I will never let him go. I need to be with him forever. I made him some food and i brought it to him. I went to our room and i noticed he was awake.

So cute

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So cute. i went over to him and i sat next to him.
Did u sleep well Love
Jimin:Yeah i always do
I kissed him and he giggled.
I made u food
Jimin:Really thank you
Of course. He ate while i stared at him. He gets so beautiful each time I look at him idk how it's possible.
Oh do u want to go on a date
After a bit I took him to the amusement park and we went on a bunch of rides.
Oh let's go on the ferris wheel
Jimin:But it's so high up
Come on it's ok I'll be here. We went on the ferris wheel and when we got to the top it stopped and he got a little scared.
Don't be scared Angel it's ok I'm here. I pulled him closer to me.
Well we been together for 3 yrs and I'm really happy your with me and I want you next to me forever and i will do literally anything to keep you happy and next to me forever so will u marry me

 Angel Jimin:YesWell we been together for 3 yrs and I'm really happy your with me and I want you next to me forever and i will do literally anything to keep you happy and next to me forever so will u marry me

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Jimin:Of course Kook
He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly.
I'm so happy I'll never let u go
Jimin:I know
The ferris wheel started to move again and he got scared.
Don't worry Angel it's ok. We got off and we got some ice cream and we went to the beach and watched the sunset and after a bit he fell asleep on my shoulder and I kissed his head. He will be all mine forever.

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