viii. the eventide

Start from the beginning

"I feel unsafe with my own house," he replied grumpily. "Get a clue, damn it."

"Why would you feel unsafe? That's a condo building; the security is tight. Don't worry too much, mou."

"You can't convince me, otherwise."

"Right back at ya," I told him in a snarky manner. "You can't convince me."

We were just walking on the landscape area of the condominium building where Kiyoomi is living. The sun was already resolutely low on the horizon as the orange and gold colors stretched far and wide. It was the prelude of the dawn, eager to flip the next page of tomorrow.

"And if I were able to convince you?"

I arched a brow, studying the hidden determination through his words.

"You convinced me, then."

"Then, I'll convince you."

Kiyoomi was known for his persistence. I didn't understand why this trivial matter concerned him. He was apathetic about almost everything—I didn't find it as a weakness, though, yet it was somewhat frightening to see that once he wanted to start something, he wouldn't stop until he saw it through the end.

I mentally sighed and facepalmed.

I'm feeling like . . . Feelin' leik I'm the one who's in trouble.

We continued treading the lobby area of the building, walking straight towards the elevator car. His unit was on the tenth floor. I had to fix these goods first, then I would head back home.

Once we arrived, I went to the kitchen sink and sanitize the stuff we bought—it had always been a ritual in this unit. After drying them, I began to organize them in the pantry cabinet.

I wasn't expecting it, but Kiyoomi stood beside me and kept me from laying them out.

"Before that," he said, "let's talk first."

I made a face. "How about a . . . no?"


Deadpan . . .

"No," I repeated.

He only groaned in irritation. Standing up, he picked me up by the collar of my shirt and hauled me towards the living area.

I unwillingly sat on the couch, whilst he sat away from me. As per usual, he got his hand sanitizer, poured some on his palm, and thoroughly rubbed it to his hands.

"Now what?" I questioned.

"About keeping me safe by all necessary means."

"Keeping you safe, my foot," I snarled, my lips twitched up. "And from what, huh?"

And his term changed. Heh. He must have realized how utterly inappropriate his choice of words was.

"From the spider."

I gave him a dumb look. "Seriously?"

"Yes," he answered firmly.

"Bullshit?" I answered back with a sardonic, innocent look, and voice.

"Do I sound like I'm bullshitting you?"

"Your face looks like bullshit, though," I grinned as I winked at him.

"The same as you," he shot back. "You gross."

"How can you be scared of the little spider, huh?" I was getting pissed off as the seconds passed by. "You loser wimp!"

"You cannot underestimate little things," he calmly said, though he was annoyed as I was.

It reminded me of a certain phrase:

A little thing can make big things.

I sighed defeatedly, "Do you think, it's better to let that little thing live on its own?"

"No." He stabbed me with a deathly stare. "They should be exterminated. You know those eight legs with rigid bow-like-sections? Disgusting."

His statement slapped me in the face. From now, I would always remember that our minds, thoughts, and perspectives would be always different.

"And that spider might have found its match, and probably bearing its eggs," he continued, the aura surrounding him became darker and darker. "Those little shits . . . They at least lay a thousand eggs in one conceiving."

"Then hire a pest exterminator, you heartless piece of scum."

"If I did, find me a place to stay," he said, trying to be patient with me. "The smell of insecticides will linger for more than a week. And yes, of course, you're going to clean the unit. Be it with the walls, ceiling, and the floor."

I gulped, but I didn't let it obvious. Now he was being smirky. He must have seen me faltering. Kuso.

Well, he got the leverage. I couldn't afford to slack now. I still had concerns to finish, namely the cherry blossoms trees.

The asshole is being a smart-ass right now.

"Then, I will clean it!" I declared with huge determination.

He scoffed, "You're as stubborn you are."

"Just being awesome." I wiggled my eyebrows once, being all smug.

"Where would I stay, then?"

"In a hotel."



"I don't trust such a kind place."

"Then where?"

"To your place."

"Guh." I felt like I got a stab in the throat. "Going back to that topic again?"

"I have no choice."

"Do you think the stalker would go away if you live with me?"

Ugh. That really tastes so awful.

"Yeah, I think."

"I'm telling you–" I rolled my eyes, sighing with small groans– "the security in this place is high. You have an intercom directed to the security office, right? Not to mention you have that cutting-edge type door lock."

"You can't say that," he retorted, "every lock can be lockpicked. There are also those instances that the security is low. It is even said that there's a 90% chance of opening a lock within a minute."

"What's that? Stalker-san is a pro pick-locker?"

"Expecting the worst." He shrugged. "If I got murdered, it'll be your fault. Then all of the guilt is yours."

Now threatening me.

Ugh . . . I'm getting headaches.

"Are you deciding based on impulse?" I inquired, letting out a silent breath.

"No." He sounded confident enough. "I have already weighed the pros and cons."

As usual, Kiyoomi has ways of analytical thinking of details. And yes, they're very accurate.

"Then . . ." I uttered. Suddenly, the ambiance in the living area became serious. "You trust the place where I live?"


Aww. Another slap in the face.

"Then, what, you asshole?" I gritted my teeth. There were also these times that he was so hard to predict.

"I don't really trust the place, but . . ." His voice became bafflingly reticent. "Well, you can say that . . . I trust you."


short chapter for now akxndksms

thank you for reading

handtheirend 🏃‍♀️💨

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