1 (A/N)

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Damien Lavey, an arson loving demon. He was bold and out going, strong and violent. He was surprisingly very smart even though he acted dumb when fire and blood wasn't involved. Despite his short temper and craving for murder, Damien wanted to be a hairdresser. No one really believed he could do so though. They all thought he would snap someone's neck before he could even get the scissors out. Of course he would fight people who said that, then fight the monsters that complain that he fights too much. He had many friends that he often pushed aside because they pissed him off or something like. He often thinks everyone is terrible and disgusting. Maybe that's what sparks his temper. He was so pissed off it was unhealthy. But that's just Damien. He's just a silly little guy :D

Brian Yu, a care free zombie. He was lazy and chill, socially awkward and very tired. Brian was a grade-level student who rarely paid attention in class. He was basically failing. Despite his lack of visible emotions, Brian was sweet and encouraging when people needed him. He couldn't give a damn if someone was talking shit about him. He too had a decent amount of friends that he was too tired to acknowledge. He would always be asleep or day dreaming when ever they tried to talk to him. Other than the fact all he really does is eat and sleep, Brian is rather athletic and his team always wins when it comes to gym. He's just a chill guy and that's what people like about him.

A few headcanons because I want to.

-Brian falls asleep in class

-Brian likes to cuddle

-They commit arson together

-Damien FEARS bananas but only a few people know like a cat with cucumbers 

-Damien is a little self conscious

-Whenever Damien is cold Brian will give him his coat even if they aren't dating

-Brian constantly eats non-edible things

-Brian can't really feel pain so if Damien sets him on fire he'd just stand there

-Damien has set Brian on fire far to many times

-Tsundere Damien

-Whenever Damien gets in a fight or gets hurt he doesn't go home because he doesn't want to be interrogated by his dads

-Damien sneaks over Brian's house

-Damien gets grounded for setting to many things ablaze

Yeah that's all my headcanons

This will have some Amira x Vera, Oz x Scott, and Milo being in this book far to much than they need to be because I simp for them and I love them

Fire (duh)
Attempted Rape :/

I hope you enjoy my book!

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