Chapter 1

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Snow blew down from the top of the mountain,  making the pair of traveling soldiers get further lost in the blizzard as they tried to travel around the mountain range in search for their missing squad mates.  The local rito claims that is a hermit living out here and doesn't like to interact with anyone due to reasons unknown. Many tried to find him but weren't able to. Due to this, the famous hermit became a local legend in the surrounding areas. 

Rumors talk about how he appears in the middle of snowstorms to help lost travelers back to nearby villages, stables, or roads. He would even take them to his hut to feed them and let them have a good night sleep if needed. But the moment they get back to where they need to be, they seem to forget how to get back to the hut. This caused the locals to call him the phantom hermit, due to him disappearing without a sound. 

When the nearby armed forces of the crown heard about this phantom hermit, they immediately sent out a squad consisting of eight knights. Their task was to locate the hermit and detain him if necessary. The small squad began their search from the rito village and headed in the direction of doom mountain. After looking high, low and all over the Hebra Mountain range and finding no sign what so ever, the knight squad determined that the phantom hermit was nothing by a legend. That was before of course, the snow blizzard that appeared out of nowhere and separated two young knights from the squad. Upon realizing that they where lost, one of the knights named Max started to freak out.  


Steve look at Max and said, "Calm down, we were just near them a moment ago. I am sure if we yell for the others, they will be able to hear us."

Max slowly clam down to reply, "Yeah, you're right. Josh and the others should be able to hear us."

Steve and Max went to a nearby lone tree and started shouting out their teammates names. After yelling for about a half an hour and getting no response, Steve and Max began to get really worry for frostbite started to settle in and they had no shelter. Max slurred as he tried to speak,"S-S-steve, we ne-e-e-ed to get moving o-r-r we will freeze out h-e-e-ere."

"Ma-ax, we can't ju-u-ust leave. They could be near-r-by still."

"W-e-e can't just stay here, Steve. We aren't equipped-d-d to handle the bliz-zard. We must find shelter befor-r-e it getssss dark."

With a moment of thinking, Steve agreed to move. Max and Steve threaded over the deep snow for about an hour before hit a huge cliff wall. They both looked to one another and decided to head in the direction of where they believed their camp was located. After fifteen minutes of walking, they came upon a hidden cave. With cries of joy, they hurried to enter the cave to seek shelter but that wasn't they found. Instead a small encampment consisting of a group of black moblins and one silver moblin resided in the cave.

Max and Steve instantly became afraid and moved their hands to draw the swords that were positioned on their backs. Steve looked to Max and whispered, "We split in two directions. You go right and I go left." Upon receiving directions, Max nodded his head as Steve lift his fingers to count down. When the count down hit zero, they  charged in.

The moblins squeaked in surprised before getting up to retrieve their weapons and began to counter attack. At first, Steve and Max were doing really well do to the advantage of surprise on their side but that did last long. The moblins quickly gathered their forces and overtook Max and Steve. With wounds all over their bodies and blood leaking from their battle wounds, they both tried to stand strong but the silver moblin, who watched from the back, made a sound and the other moblins withdrew into a circle formation that gave them no chance to escape. 

The silver moblin came over and attacked Steve and knocked him out. In order to keep his friend and comrade safe, Max charged at the silver moblin and attacked with all his might. The moblin sneered in amusement at the little attempt and knocked Max back further away form Steve. The moblin signaled to another moblin to come and dragged his friend to the back of the cave for who knows what. Max tried to stop them but the silver moblin  pinned him down and started to attack his flesh slowly and gruesomely, feeding off his suffering. Max could only watch as his friend disappeared from view and tears began to leak through his eyelids. With the last of his strength he yelled, "Someone, Anybody please help us!"

To be continued...

Author Note: Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy the story so far. Do to reasons, I haven't been able to update until now. Sorry. I will update when ever I can. That is a promise. Anyhow, please have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.

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