2-Betrayal Part 2

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The minute Andrew was claimed as my brother my life went to hell. Since I haven't told anybody about Annabeth cheating everything was normal. Then Slowly the campers started to blame me for breaking their things ruining their projects wrecking their cabins, mind you none of which I did.                                                                                                                                                                                                 One night I was in my cabin getting ready for bed when a note was slipped under my door when I read it I was surprised.

Percy don't tell anybody anything or else I will make your suffering worse                                                           -Annabeth                                                  

I couldn't believe she wouldn't go so far as trying to turn the whole camp against me. I decided to IM thalia to set things straight before Annabeth could get her. The call went through and the second I saw her face thalia started yelling at me things like how could you cheat on Annabeth like that. Quickly I called Nico but got a similar response. t that moment I realized what Annabeth had done she had somehow managed to convince all my closes friends that I cheated on her.

The next morning when I left my cabin all the campers were glaring at me like I killed their best friend which I'm sure some of them believed I did. I was walking to the dining Pavillion when I felt myself being transported when I opened my eyes I was kneeling in front of the Olympian council most of them glaring the only ones who were looking at me with sympathy were Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, and Hades.                                                                                                                                                Zeus began the meeting Perseus Jackson you are hereby accused of aiding Gaia and Kronos in the last two wars how do you plead. not guilty I replied. what proof do you have I questioned. We have proof from Olympus's head architect Annabeth chase that you had anti olympian war plans hidden under your bed. I stared blankly at them, then yelled do you really think I'm that stupid that if I had planned against you I would hide them under my bed. Also If you have forgotten my fatal flaw is loyalty.                                                                                                                                     We have not forgotten we believe that your loyalties lie elsewhere and not with us, thus we strip you of your titles and disown you from the greek pantheon leaving you mortal while you serve a ten-year sentence in tartarous that would probably kill you. All who agree raise their hand the entire council raised their hand except for the gods and goddesses mentioned before. Then my dad started chanting Αποδέχομαι τον Περσέα Τζάκσον ως γιο μου και τον απογυμνώσω από το θεϊκό αίμα και τις δυνάμεις του. Έτσι λέγεται και έτσι θα είναι(I hereby disown Perseus Jackson as my son and strip him of his godly blood and powers Thus disowning him from the Greek pantheon, So it is said and so it shall be) I felt as If a part of me just got ripped away it hurt a lot. Then the other gods joined in chanting  Αφαιρούμε τώρα τον θνητό Περσέα Τζάκσον στα λάκκα της κόλασης όπου ελπίζουμε ότι θα πεθάνει (We now banish the mortal Perseus Jackson to the pits of hell where we hope he shall die). Suddenly a portal opened underneath me and I once again found myself falling into the depths of tartarous.

Psych Like hell I'm falling into that hell hole again this is what actually happened

Right, when I arrived In the throne room and saw the gods I noticed lady Hecate standing in a corner smiling at me unnoticed by the Olympians. She winked and suddenly my chains dissolved and I was rendered invisible leaving a solid mist construct of me in my place.  Silently I crept over to Hecate about to ask her about why she decided to help me she motioned to be quiet. Then In my head, she told me to answer the Olympian's questions as if I was their standing in front of them and that's what I did still had no idea why Hecate the goddess of magic is helping me. She is pretty well known for not doing anything for free. That's the goddess of magic for you I guess unpredictable as ever. After the meeting, she teleported me to my mom's house without saying a word.

Flash Back End

So what did you guys think about the backstory I think It was pretty good. don't forget to comment I love reading your comments and receiving feedback that can help me improve the quality of my stories

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