The crash

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Leah's POV

When I woke up I was drifting on a piece of metal following the steady rise and fall of the waves. The sudden realisation washed over me and I started to panic.
"Hello! ANYBODY?!"
I was surrounded by debris and floating suitcases.
"I'm here" the wavy blonde haired girl from beside me on the plane wheezed. She had her backpack on still and one arm slung across what I assume was a surfboard. The only thing keeping her from sinking and her dog was lying on top of the board. As she paddled over to me she pushed the dog onto the metal door of the plane I was sat on before pulling herself up.
"What the fuck do we do now?"
I asked staring into the opaque Nilon of the surfboard bag.
"Look I've got two surf boards in the bag one of which is a long board which you can take and pick up that girl over there and I'm gonna take the girl on the seat behind us. Okay?"
As she finished a muffled P!NK ringtone came from a suitcase not 5 yards away and I slid of the door and opened it only to drop the fucking phone in the water. Instinctively I dove down to get it but it got too deep and the pressure made my head twinge in pain. So when I resurfaced I decided to follow the other girls orders and swam to Jeanette she was drifting between a conscious and unconscious state and couldn't make a full sentence but indicated to her stomach. She was internally bleeding.
"Hey, hey we're gonna be okay Look" I pointed at the island in the distance
"Your just a bit ruffed up but we're gonna be fine"
I pulled her over to the longboard and slid her onto the front and myself behind her as the blonde had her dog and my class mate Sadie on her board.
"She's unconscious but breathing. I'm going to tie a few suitcases to our board straps, they might have something useful like a phone or food"
I simply nodded and watched as she tied two suitcases to my board and a suitcase and two backpacks on her own.
"Um she's bleeding internally I don't know if she'll make it" I muttered as we began our strenuous journey to the island.
"Neither will we if we don't start paddling." She smiled pitifully at me I was still in to much shock to acknowledge anything about her but I did fixate on the blood streaming down from her eyebrow.
"I'm Leah"

The swell was choppy as we approached the blacksand beach. But I was so mentally and physically exhausted that I was grateful for the extra push that got us to shore.
"Help!" I called as we both pulled the boards the girls and the suitcases out of the water.
"I see you! I see you! Hey!" The two girls I had come to know as Dot and Toni helped us carry the girls onto the "hey! Is there anybody else out there? Did you see anybody?" Toni asked in an obvious blind panic
"No I didn't see anybody" was all I could manage before she was taking off through the shallows to Shelby and Martha making their way up the beach.
We pulled the boards and bags onto the dry sand and both of us slumped backward with Sadie between us and the dog running around and eventually lying by lexi's side.
"She's not breathing" Dot yelled as they all huddled around Jeanette's limp body.
"Your going way to fast. Your pumping at double time" Rachel piped up from over dots shoulder.
"No such thing as too fast only too slow" dot was pumping frantically at the girls heart.
"Actually compressions can be to fast if they're not deep enough" Nora intervened from over her other shoulder.
"Slow down"
"Woah ease up Dottie your goin way too fast" Shelby added sliding onto her knees beside her.
"Okay hell! If your all such experts somebody else tap in. Who knows CPR"
Funnily enough we all raised our hands even Sadie, who was now conscious but adjusting to the realisation of the living nightmare, Lexi and myself from the sand. That was my first indication that something wasn't right. It was more of a feeling really.

Soon after a lexi and I passed out on the nearby sand dune to regain all the strength I had lost in my arms. But I woke up to Jeanette's hand in mine.
"Your awake!" She beamed with anticipated optimism.
"Yeah. Hi. Your-you made it"
I sat up in surprise I honestly thought she was going to die. We all should've but most of us had made it to the island unscaved.
"Yeah I did" she pulled me into a hug which I returned still in slight shock but we were all way beyond a hug in this extremely atypical situation.
"I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to be sorry for"
"No you don't understand. I'm so sorry"
I looked over my left shoulder to where Lexi was asleep the others must've told sadie that she was the one to bring her to shore because in an act of gratitude she was attending to lexis forehead cut.
Everyone else was dotted around the sand dune most on their own contemplating and comprehending everything we had just been through and what was yet to come.

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