⤷ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖒

Start from the beginning

"What a dirty mouth you've got there~ the boss would hate that, let's clean it up shall we?" A red glimmer shoots across their eyes before they suddenly appear behind me, holding a cloth around my mouth. This smell...chloroform! I attempt to struggle but the amount of the gas weakens me sooner than predicted. Instead of five minutes it only took around thirty seconds, how did they manage to create something so strong?

I catch a glimpse of Kageyama trying to get up to help. They only shot his leg so he should be able to move, unless it wasn't a normal bullet. My vision starts to fade and my mind begins to go blank. Why did this happen?

Everything around me goes silent, my muscles ease and my body slumps back into the arms of the assailant.

"Sweet dreams Princess~"


And that is how I ended up here. In a room covered with metal slats, nuts and bolts all visible along with scratch marks here and there. How many people have been driven insane here? Oh god I bet I'm next. Meh I'm already half way there - no Y/n that's not what you should be thinking about! Is there any possibility of me loosening these ropes? Well with no knife or other sharp objects around that would be a no, dumbass. I can't think straight when I'm unaware of what could happen to me at any time.

I'm caught off guard again when the door slams open introducing two new figures to me.
"Oh oopsies!" The smaller one has quite a high pitched voice and sounded quite bubbly as well. The taller one who clearly has a larger build to the smaller figure drapes his arm around the others shoulders and begins to praise them.

"Nice one! That's guaranteed to scare her!" His voice was quite a bit deeper but they seemed to be childish in a way? I'm not exactly in the best of places to be making rude assumptions about people. "Are you scared?" My head jerks up after calibrating that they were speaking to me. Unamused, I chuckle before kissing my teeth.

"Yep, wet me knickers you both shocked me so much" I think they took the hint.

"See I told you!" They both share a double high five, confusing me even further. Or not...
Heh yeah...this is gonna be a long night...

A few more minutes pass and the two continue to crack jokes and occasionally they would jump closer to me and yell 'Boo!' Much to my disinterest, I would sometimes react just to keep them happy. Getting in these two's good books is the least I can do right now. Cant exactly get up and join them. Man am I bored... how I'd kill for a nice rose tea latte right now - no! Stop it Y/n! Priorities, how am I going to get out of here safely and make it back to the house? Ah screw it I ain't getting out of here anytime soon!

Just as my head slumps a throat is cleared in the hallway just outside of the door, silencing the room as it was before those two whackos entered. Squinting as much as I possibly could I still couldn't make out any of the four who were now in close proximity to me. "What in the world are ya both doin'?" The same man that sent shivers down my spine from having their breath so close to me and now that I'm a lot less fearful for my life, Jesus Christ his breath stunk! Man it reeked of garlic, like c'mon dude have some decency and either brush them teeth or chew a bit of gum!

"We were scaring the life out of her, see!" The taller male in the corner point to me and I can tell that when the pair in the door focus on me they are unimpressed. I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulder at them all, "shivering in my boots..." I say with a mocking tone. Please take the hint this time...

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