1. New Girl

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I was always popular. The moment I stepped into the classroom on my first day at school, all the kids swarmed me. I was invited to lots of parties and trips to the zoo. I was mummy's favourite girl and daddy's little angel. I was spoilt from the moment I was born. What I wanted. I got.

"Rhea! Rhea, darling it's time to get up."
I groaned, Mum was gently prodding my back.
"I'm coming...' my voice was muffled by my pillow.
"Ok, but you only have twenty minutes."
I groaned again, "let me get changed."
"Ok, I'll make you some breakfast," Mum hurried down stairs.

I stared at the uniform, a sickly lime green colour. They wanted me to wear a blazer? No chance! I pushed it away in disgust, then pulled on my favourite purple hoodie. That looked better. I smoothed out my hair, and blinked in the mirror, my two violet eyes blinked back. I was special that's what they'd told Mum, it was nothing to worry about just a random mutation in my genetics. Even so it was rather strange, I wasn't too keen on my eyes it was just another factor to make me stand out.

I shovelled down my food.
"You're going to be late!"
"I know!" I snapped.
"Rhea are you sure wearing that jumper is a good idea?"
"It'll be fine, they won't care."
"Okay..." she looked uncertain.

The car shuddered to life. Spluttering and moaning as it slowly made it's way down the street.
"We really need a new car," I said, as we trundled onto the main road.
"We just don't have enough money Rhea," Mum sighed, "we would if we could."
My eyes followed some kids along the road, they were all wearing the same green blazers as I was given. As though they sensed me watching, all three of them turned simultaneously to look at me. They smiled, one of them waved. I raised my hand shyly.
"They seem nice," mum glanced through the mirror.
"Yeah they do," my body relaxed, a tight feeling in my chest which I hadn't noticed unclenched. I was going to be okay, they would come to me, just like they always did.

"Bye! I'll see you soon, remember school car park, near the gate."
I nodded, "bye Mum."
The school looked massive, towering high into the sky. It had been built on the outskirts of Waterfeild, there wasn't much here. It was a new building, no graffiti like my last school, even though it was a state school, everyone seemed really posh, all wearing their bright green blazers. I took a deep breath, pushed open the door and walked inside.

There was a trail of students down the corridor, probably going to a main hall or something. As I followed, everyone I passed smiled and greeted me.
"Do you know where to go?" one girl asked.
"I don't, I'm new here, I'm just following everyone else."
She smiled, "I'm Julia, I can help you find your way if you want!"
She was tall and slender, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was the kind of girl all the guys are over.
"Of course that would be great."
We arrived at the hall, wow the school was big! Some of Julia's friends called her over, I went with her. I felt everyone's eyes skimming me over, probably because I was new...
When I sat down, people immediately started asking questions.
"Where are you from?"
"Hi, what's your name?"
"How do you get your hair so nice?"
I sat, smiling warmly at them.
"I'm called Rhea," a murmur went around the table.
"Where are you from?" The girl across from me asked.
"Well, I moved here from Bridgeman."
"My dad lives in Bridgeman!" The girl said excitedly. "I'm Alice by the way!"
I beamed at them.

The bell rang, everyone jumped up.
"What class are you in, Rhea?" someone asked.
"I'm not sure, I have to go to the office."
"I'll take you," Julia chirped.

The office gave me my classes, I was in a lot of Julia's. Our first subject was together.
"We have Mr Garland, he's really scary if you get on the wrong side of him, he'll kill you if he sees your hoodie."
I shrugged, I'd never got in any trouble at Bridgeman.
"Oooooh I forgot to say! Ethan's in this class!"
"Ethan Stewart, he's gorgeous!"

We were late, but Mr Garland didn't even raise an eyebrow. He had a stern looking face, but I could tell in his younger days he'd been quite handsome. I saw him stare at my hoodie, but he didn't say anything.
"Rhea Learnay, you will be sitting next to Alex," Mr Garland gestured towards Alex.

He was thin with pale porcelain skin, his hair a snowy blonde colour. He didn't smile when I walked up to him, he merely glanced in my direction. My heart pounded, why wasn't he saying hi? Why wasn't he looking at me?
Finally he raised his head. A cold prickle went up my back, his eyes. Purple, like mine.

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