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Flowers blooming. Sun shining. Grassy field. Happiness in the air. Smiles on children's faces. Eyes sparking with joy. People laughing. Children playing. No fighting. No harm. Just peace.


Why do o always have the weirdest dreams? I thought. I stayed in bed staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, then I sat up and wait till I have full consciousness.
I slowly got off of the bed and grab some matching clothes. I comb my hair, brush my teeth, etc. I don't put in make up because I'm still a child and I don't know how. I walk out my room saying 'good morning' to my mother and father. "Good morning, my little ice queen." My dad glanced at me then went back to cooking breakfast. "What am I? A snowman?" Mom joked. "Of course not-." "I think you forget that she has both of our powers ,Walker." My mom facepalms. "I know ,Adriana ,but-." My dad stutters. Mom still makes dad nervous,even thought they've been married for 14 years. I laugh at both of my parents. Mother winks playfully at me. "Anyways ,here is your breakfast." Dad sets a plate down with French toast on it. "Thanks dad." I smile at him. "No problem." He ruffles my hair. Mom turns on the TV News. I couldn't hear what it was saying too well, but I saw that one of the superhero's failed a mission. I look at mom and dad worried. They looked just as confused as I was. I cleared my throat. "I need to go to school." I grabbed my backpack and waited for mom and dad. "Sure! Today you are going to headquarters." Mom smiled with her eyes closed. "Finally!" I cheered happily. My parents allowed me to switch from headquarters to public school so I could have a 'normal life experience'.

We arrived at headquarters and I jump out of the car waiting for my parents. "You excited to see your friends." Dad asks as he walks in the kart. "Of course! I haven't seen them in awhile." I exclaimed happily.

Mom glared at dad for a few seconds before stating: "Your how old and you still can't dress properly? Look at your daughter, even she dresses better than you." . "What's wrong with my clothes?" Dad questions. "You look like a unicorn swimming in pumpkin juice." . "Hey you have to admit I have a good style." He smiles cheeky at mom. The bus stops and we get out and walk to the entrance. "Good morning, Mr and Mrs. Temperature." A Guard greets us with a bow. "Hello Y/n." The guard smile sweetly at me. "Hello Mr. Guard!" I wave at him. The doors open and we walk in. "Good morning Mrs and Mr. Temperature. Good morning Y/n." Granada greets us. We greet her back politely. "Ms Y/n would you like to be called 'Temp' 'Tem' or 'Y/n' today?" She asks politely. "Temp or Y/n is fine." I smile up at her. "Ok ms Temp follow me please." She motions for me to follow her. I wave 'bye' to my parents and follow Ms. Granada.

We walk to the room where the kids 'learn' and 'study' school work. I had to stop myself jumping of joy. Instead I just smiled like an idiot. She opens the door and shows the room, but it was empty. My smile faded. "Am I the first one?" I look up at her, but not much because she is short. "Yes ,you are. That means you get to have the first pick out of all those seats. And study hard for school, ok? I know I can trust you ,Temp." She smiles sweetly at me. I nod and run to the second corner seat in the back. I wave at her as she closes the door.

I wait a few minutes and start to play with my powers. I start freezing the chairs with my hands, then setting them on fire to make the ice liquid. I giggle feeling a bit bad for the person who is going to sit there. The door opens and Noodle walks in. I quickly look at my computer pretending to 'study'. I see noodle heading his way to the chair that has water on it. He sits down and his eyes went wide. He looks at me and I wink. He tries to pretend that nothing happened. Ms. Granada closes the door. Noodle stretches his neck to the door, listening to Granada walking off. I smirk and he snaps his head at me. "What the heck ,Temp?!" He screams. I burst out laughing as he blushes in embarrassment. "Do a spin." I laughed out. He shakes his head. "Please." I choke out, still laughing. He groans and spins around in a circle. I see his butt is wet and I start laughing harder. He huffs and sits on a chair tied to the ceiling.

We played around with our powers until Noodle hears footsteps. He quickly grasp a paper towel and wipes his chair down and sits on it. Wheels wheels in waving to us. We wave back and go back to 'studying'. An hour past everyone is here. Me, Noodles, Wheels, Fast Forward, Rewind, Guppy, A Capella, Ojo, Slow-mo, facemaker, and Wildcard. We where all playing around until Noodles heard more footsteps coming to the door.

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